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  Donald Trump's malignant spell could soon be broken
Posted by: superadmin - 11-07-2020, 10:21 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

Barring a twist inconceivable even by the standards of 2020, we will soon know the result of the US presidential election – and it will almost certainly be a cause for rejoicing. Donald Trump, the man who has haunted the world’s dreams and sparked a thousand nightmares, has all but lost. On 20 January 2021, he will probably leave the White House – or be removed if necessary. The Trump presidency, a shameful chapter in the history of the republic, will soon be over.

True, it is taking longer than we might have liked. There was to be no swift moment of euphoria and elation, an unambiguous landslide announced on election night with a drumroll and fireworks display. Instead, thanks to a pandemic that meant two in three Democrats voted by slower-to-count mail-in ballots, it’s set to be a win in increments, a verdict delivered in slow motion. Nor was there the hoped-for “blue wave” that might have carried the Democrats to a majority in the US Senate (though there is, just, a way that could yet happen). As a result, it will be hard for Joe Biden to do what so urgently needs to be done, whether that’s tackling the climate crisis, racial injustice, economic inequality, America’s parlous infrastructure or its dysfunctional and vulnerable electoral machinery. And it is glumly true that even if Trump is banished from the Oval Office, Trumpism will live on in the United States.

And yet none of that should obscure the main event that has taken place this week. It’s a form of progressive masochism to search for the defeat contained in a victory. Because a victory is what this will be.

Recall the shock and disgust that millions – perhaps billions – have felt these past four years, as Trump sank to ever lower depths. When he was ripping children from their parents and keeping them in cages; when he was blithely exchanging “love letters” with the murderous thug that rules the slave state of North Korea; when he was coercing Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden, or else lose the funds it needed to defend itself against Vladimir Putin, the high crime for which he was impeached; when he was denying the reality of the coronavirus, insisting it would just melt away, thereby leaving more than 235,000 Americans to their fate and their deaths – when he was doing all that, what did his opponents long for? The wish, sometimes uttered to the heavens, was not complicated: they wanted Trump’s defeat and ejection from power. Few attached the rider that it would only count if the Democrats could also pick up a Senate seat in North Carolina.

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  Small businesses deserve more help than Jasa, says MP
Posted by: superadmin - 11-06-2020, 10:54 PM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

[Image: charles-santiago-fmt-070219-1.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: Klang MP Charles Santiago has criticised a budget allocation to a federal propaganda unit, and said funds should have gone to micro businesses that are at a “breaking point”.

Santiago said specific support should have gone to protect small- and medium-sized enterprises from closing shop, while jobless workers could have been provided longer social protection.

He said the business community would have welcomed a longer loan moratorium.

“Focus should have been on promoting renewable energy, food security, environmental protection, digitalisation and a major push on social protection.

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  Sen. Bernie Sanders Predicts How Trump Will React On Election Night
Posted by: superadmin - 11-06-2020, 07:48 PM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

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  Start Every Day Like This and Your Life Will Change Forever!
Posted by: superadmin - 11-06-2020, 05:59 PM - Forum: Self-Development - Replies (1)

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  Rick Santorum: Trump's claims of election fraud are "shocking" and "dangerous"
Posted by: superadmin - 11-06-2020, 09:06 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

[Image: a6322415-7e86-463c-a814-0edb9c498e1a.jpg]

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum slammed President Trump’s claims of election fraud, saying that his were not factual and “was at times incendiary.”

“No Republican elected official will stand behind that statement,” Santorum said at CNN’s special election coverage.

The former Republican senator went on to criticize the President over his claim of voter fraud without evidence.

"We don’t know that right now, and for the President to go out there and claim that without any evidence of that is dangerous," Santorum said.

Santorum went on to call out Trump over his attacks on mail-in voting.

"I sat there I listened to him talking about the votes being taken away from him, and then he shifted to Arizona and said hey, 'I win this thing if they count the votes.' Well, how can you say we have to wait and count the votes in Arizona and I can win this thing, but if you count the votes in Philadelphia you’re stealing them? The reality is, in Pennsylvania Democrats voted by mail and Republicans voted — in person and it’s because you asked them to do so.”

CNN's Van Jones thanked Santorum for being critical of Trump's remarks.

"I just want to thank you for what you just said," Jones said. "I hope that other Republicans will also stand with you."

Source: CNN[url=https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-biden-election-results-11-05-20/index.html][/url]

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  Fed. judge confirms Trump election observers in Philadelphia are being treated fairly
Posted by: superadmin - 11-06-2020, 08:59 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

Federal judge confirms Trump election observers in Philadelphia are being treated fairly
A Trump campaign lawyer admitted before a federal judge on Thursday that observers for the campaign were allowed to watch ballot canvassing in Philadelphia, after they claimed in court and the President's supporters alleged they were being deprived unfairly.

But the federal judge was having none of it, instead asking Philadelphia city officials to confirm Democrats and Republicans were being treated fairly to watch the ballot-counting and that they were allowed to watch the ballot counting in the city from six feet away.

When the judge pressed the Trump campaign lawyer if there were observers in the room from the campaign, the lawyer, Jerome Marcus, said, "There's a non-zero number of people in the room."

The judge, Paul Diamond of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, a George W. Bush appointee, also pointed out he believed the President's case appeared to have no reason to be in federal court, and even cracked a joke that the lawyer "shouldn't quit his day job" when the campaign handed the judge a hand-drawn map of the ballot counting room.

After the judge confirmed the parties would have the same number of observers in the room, he dismissed the Trump campaign's request because it was moot.

Source: CNN

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  Count every vote: Protests over ballot tallies sweep through U.S. cities
Posted by: superadmin - 11-05-2020, 08:52 PM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

PORTLAND: Calling on election officials to “count every vote,” protesters marched through the streets of several American cities Wednesday in response to President Donald Trump’s aggressive effort to challenge the vote count in Tuesday’s presidential election.

In Minneapolis, protesters blocked a freeway, prompting arrests. In Portland, hundreds gathered on the waterfront to protest the president’s attempted interventions in the vote count as a separate group protesting the police and u ..

Read more at: Economic Times

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  One question: how the hell did we pick Trump to be President to begin with?
Posted by: superadmin - 11-05-2020, 08:04 PM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

OK, perhaps not exactly what you were hoping for. Election night wasn't a real thriller for a whole lot of people, and now it looks as if we're going to be counting votes for … quite a while. Will everybody still be talking about it at Thanksgiving dinner? If so, be careful not to invite your cousin in Pennsylvania who forgot to vote.

The post-election fog was so thick that we occasionally lost track of some details – like, say, who was winning. Joe Biden certainly seems to be doing better when it comes to little details like getting the most votes. Donald Trump, whom you can feel free to refer to as "the long-shot contender", has responded exactly the way you'd expect – declaring victory while waving around lawsuits.
"This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country," said the man who is definitely an expert in being fraudulent and embarrassing.

All this leaves us with two questions: one practical and one cosmic.

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  Meru Valley's Patchwork Society’s 13th Annual Charity Bazaar
Posted by: eva_bougainvillea - 11-05-2020, 03:30 PM - Forum: Events - Replies (1)

Meru Valley’s Patchwork Society is spreading some traditional cheer with handsewn Batik and patchwork face masks, with funds raised to support the care of disabled children.

Mark your calendars as the Patchwork Society will be holding their thirteenth annual charity bazaar at the Function Room on 7 November 2020, from 9am to 5pm.

The bazaar will feature handmade crafts, food (Japanese sushi, muffins, and cookies) and a jumble-sale corner with porcelains and housewares up for grabs.

All proceeds from the bazaar will be channelled to Pusat Jagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Setia Silibin, to help support the care of disabled children.

Initiated by Datin Mina Ushiama, the Patchwork society get together every Tuesday for the love and passion of handicraft and sewing. They’ve created beautiful crafts items such as face masks purses, bags, cot quilts, coasters, handphone cases, bags, passport holders and many others.

Speaking about the bazaar, Datin Ushiama said: “This year we have handmade reusable face mask to keep everyone safe. There will be two designs- one type is made from ‘Batik’ material and the other one is made of attractive prints and gauze, which has four layers (2 layers of cotton and 2 layers of gauze) and would be very comfortable. These masks are priced at RM 7 per piece.”

She further explained: “This time round we have added patchwork collections from some professional patchwork artist from KL, Ms Bovey Ho, Ms.Yoriko Sugihara and Ms. Yukiko Kojima in this bazaar. Ms. Bovey Ho used to donate her crochet bags and dolls for our annual bazaars, however this year she has made elaborated face masks upon huge demand, which will be sold at RM12 per piece. Ms. Yoriko has donated us her handmade bags, purses, and ceramics like vases, teapots and cups. Meanwhile Ms. Yukiko has donated some of her handmade crafts to us to be sold at the bazaar.”

With the festive season just around the corner, take this opportunity to purchase fine handmade crafts as gifts and support the lives of disabled children with your generosity. Bring your neighbours and friends and pencil in on 7 November for a day of craft and a good cause.

For more information on the event, please contact Jia Huey at 05-529 3354. See you there!


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  Denmark plans to cull up to 17 million mink to stop mutated coronavirus
Posted by: superadmin - 11-05-2020, 02:39 PM - Forum: Health News - No Replies

[Image: 201105112017-01-denmark-mink-cull-exlarge-169.jpg]
(CNN)Denmark, the world's largest producer of mink furs, plans to cull all mink in the country to contain a mutated form of novel coronavirus.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said Wednesday the decision had been made with a "heavy heart," but it was necessary based on the recommendation of health authorities.

"The virus has mutated in mink. The mutated virus has spread to humans," Frederiksen said.

Statens Serum Institut, the Danish authority based in Copenhagen which deals with infectious diseases, had found five cases of the virus in mink farms and 12 examples in humans that showed reduced sensitivity to antibodies, she said. Allowing the virus to spread could potentially limit the effectiveness of future vaccines.

"We have a great responsibility towards our own population, but with the mutation that has now been found, we have an even greater responsibility for the rest of the world as well," Frederiksen said.
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