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  24-year-old Cherishe Ng set to make waves in S’wak polls
Posted by: superadmin - 12-12-2021, 11:15 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

[Image: 20211211_cherishe_ng_fb.jpeg]

KUALA LUMPUR – Will a 24-year-old politician make a splash in Batu Lintang during the campaign period before Sarawak heads to the polls on December 18?

Sarawak PKR’s Cherishe Ng Phuay Hui is going up against four older men but believes she has a winning chance to make a difference in the Batu Lintang state constituency.

“I am the youngest candidate going up against four older men, two of which are in their golden years, with experience, but I believe I can do just as well.

“PKR has been advocating for youths to be in the forefront, and acknowledges that we are the future generation to lead the nation,” she told The Vibes.

“For example, in the Melaka election, campaigning had to be done via social media due to the health standard operating procedures, which gave the younger generation the opportunity to contribute ideas about it.”

Ng highlighted that none of the 82 incumbents in Sarawak were under 30 and half of them are in the retirement age group.

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  Some politicians still want the right to hop, says Azalina
Posted by: superadmin - 12-12-2021, 09:24 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

[Image: azalina-othman-bernama-111221-1.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: Umno Supreme Council member Azalina Othman Said feels there are two likely reasons why her proposal for recall elections was rejected in the Dewan Rakyat this week.

One is that the government intends to draw up its own law, and the other is that some politicians do not want party hopping stopped.

However, she remains confident that the law will come to pass.

Azalina, the former deputy speaker of the Dewan Rakyat, said the government has given an undertaking to ban party hopping because of its political understanding with the opposition.

“Maybe that’s why the government decided it would be much better if the bill came from them.” she said after seeing her private member’s bill being shot down twice, with the latest rejection coming this week.

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  Additional advisors in an already bloated cabinet
Posted by: superadmin - 12-12-2021, 09:03 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

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OCT: When Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob has the liberty to appoint anyone as his advisors, there is nothing the rakyat can do about it.

Affordability is not a criterion. The most important criterion is ‘sokong’ (support) the leader and don't become a frog.

It is very hard to fathom why the PM needs additional advisors when he already has a large cabinet of ministers.

When a person is not accountable for his decisions, there is a tendency to abuse his power and for corruption to fester.

For the PM, what he wants is what he gets. A principled PM will justify such appointments with return on investment (ROI) and set clear job scopes.

The PM asked the rakyat to be prudent in spending while he keeps on spending without a care for the country. Malaysia will be bankrupt soon if this continues.

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  5G agency DNB could be the next 1MDB, warns Anwar
Posted by: superadmin - 12-11-2021, 09:59 PM - Forum: Business. Economy and Investment - No Replies

[Image: anwar-ibrahim-fb-111221-1.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: The lack of transparency behind the appointment of 5G rollout agency Digital Nasional Bhd has the potential to evolve into a scandal that is as big as 1MDB, Anwar Ibrahim warned.

The opposition leader said that the apparent unilateral decision reeked of cronyism, and raised the possibility of corruption and leakages taking place.

“And a new scandal will emerge that could be similar to or bigger than 1MDB,” he said in a video. 1MDB, a government investment arm has been roiled in a multi-billion scandal involving money laundering, fraud, and illegal transfers of funds.

He was reiterating a warning he made at the Dewan Rakyat last week where he was reported to have said that the DNB affair “is almost as big as 1MDB. I want to remind the minister that if a mistake is made, it will end up like 1MDB in court”.

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  Umno wants GE15 only after July, says Asyraf
Posted by: superadmin - 12-11-2021, 09:48 PM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

[Image: asyraf-wajdi-dusuki-fmt-270821-2.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: Umno Youth chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki says that the top leadership has agreed unanimously to call for the 15th general election (GE15) only after July next year but before the party elections.

Asyraf said the matter was decided upon during an Umno Supreme Council meeting recently. “We fully agreed for the election to be held after July but before Umno’s party elections,” he told FMT.

Separately, an Umno division in Negeri Sembilan has resolved that party elections should be held first before any general election is called. Jelubu division chief Jalaluddin Alias said earlier that party elections would ensure that the party’s machinery would have a renewed mandate from members, and be more prepared to face GE15.

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  Stop policing what we wear, says women’s group
Posted by: superadmin - 12-11-2021, 09:35 PM - Forum: Stop Racism and Religious Bigotry - No Replies

[Image: Abdul-Latiff-Abdul-Rahman-live.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: The policing of women’s attire is a never-ending issue in the country, a women’s rights group lamented following criticisms that the uniform worn by Malaysian stewardesses was “too revealing”.

Sisters in Islam (SIS) said the issue of a woman’s dressing had somehow taken priority over other concerns.

Its communications officer, Aleza Othman said the Dewan Rakyat should instead be used by parliamentarians to discuss more critical issues such as the rising cost of living, domestic abuse, student safety and sexual harassment.

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  Ismail Sabri calls on Umno for continued support as PM
Posted by: superadmin - 12-11-2021, 05:37 PM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

[Image: Ismail_Sabri_Bernama_pic.jpg]

BERA – Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob is calling for the backing of his party to support him as prime minister so he can lead the country back on track, especially economically and health wise.

The prime minister said although the number of Covid-19 cases had dropped and the country’s economy is also seen to be recovering, the task is not completed yet.

“I need support from the party for strength to fight on. The biggest issue is the issue of the people and not the endless politicking.

“The (Covid-19) cases are dropping, but the number is still around 4,000.  Don’t think that we are now completely free from Covid-19, and my responsibility is still a huge one and I have to do it,” he said when opening the Bera Umno Wanita, Youth and Puteri delegates meeting here today.

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  Kit Siang wants RCI to probe ‘foiled plan’ to arrest Najib in 2015
Posted by: superadmin - 12-11-2021, 05:31 PM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

[Image: Najib-Lim-Kit-Siang-210519.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: Lim Kit Siang is calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry to probe a claim that a plan to arrest Najib Razak over the 1MDB scandal in 2015 had been foiled by the sacking of two senior civil servants.

The DAP supremo said that he too had been told of Najib’s impending arrest then, which he had described as the “Week of Long Knives of July 2015”.

“Malaysians have a right to know what happened,” he said in a statement, referring to the claim made by a former aide to Najib in a book he authored.

“And only a Royal Commission of Inquiry can undertake the job.”

Lim had previously called for an RCI to look into the “Week of Long Knives of July 2015”.

Earlier today, FMT reported a plot to arrest Najib in the middle of a Cabinet meeting which was foiled a day before it was supposed to be carried out.

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  Inflation surged 6.8% in November, even more than expected
Posted by: superadmin - 12-11-2021, 10:41 AM - Forum: Business, Economy and Investment - No Replies

Inflation surged 6.8% in November, even more than expected, to fastest rate since 1982
  • Inflation rose 6.8% from a year ago in November, slightly higher than estimates according to the consumer price index released Friday.
  • Excluding food and energy, the CPI increased 4.9%, in line with expectations.
  • Surging prices for food, energy and shelter accounted for much of the gains.

Inflation accelerated at its fastest pace since 1982 in November, the Labor Department said Friday, putting pressure on the economic recovery and raising the stakes for the Federal Reserve.

The consumer price index, which measures the cost of a wide-ranging basket of goods and services, rose 0.8% for the month, good for a 6.8% pace on a year over year basis and the fastest rate since June 1982.

Excluding food and energy prices, so-called core CPI was up 0.5% for the month and 4.9% from a year ago, which itself was the sharpest pickup since mid-1991.

The Dow Jones estimate was for a 6.7% annual gain for headline CPI and 4.9% for core.

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  Oh Malaysia, land of glory no more?
Posted by: superadmin - 12-11-2021, 08:56 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

[Image: Istana-Kehakiman-fmt-010920-1.jpg]

From Clement Stanley

The first line of Anneke Gronloh’s iconic song “Oh Malaysia” goes “Oh Malaysia, land of glory”. I believe most of us who grew up in the era of our first and second prime ministers know this song well.

But it is of course a distant memory now.

While the rakyat has much to be thankful for, especially in these days of gloom and doom, there is no distracting from the fact that the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) has steadfastly refused to explain why it had not appealed against the Court of Appeal’s decision to free Tengku Adnan Mansor, or Ku Nan, of graft charges on which the High Court had found him guilty.

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