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Hadi Awang slams corruption, says non-Muslims ‘root’ of it
Hadi’s remarks “dangerous” but “immature” to ban PAS, says Muslim activist
[Image: PAS-Leaders.jpg]

A MUSLIM’S rights group has panned PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang over his controversial branding of non-Bumiputeras and non-Malays as “roots of corruption”, raising concerns about the consequences of such remarks on race relations and national harmony. 

Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) fellow Ahmad Muziru Idham said the impact of the Marang MP’s “roots of corruption” linkage was “dangerous” given the implications of the influential figure, besides not including data to back his claim.

Ahmad noted that the overall content of Hadi’s reported remarks last month – that the corruption “disease” needs to be eradicated in a holistic manner and no “true Muslims” would tolerate any kind of corruption – may be good.

“But with the passage that is mixed with hatred in the text, his actions must be held accountable,” he told FocusM.

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Hadi’s “roots of corruption” claim contradicts having non-Muslims in PAS, says SIS
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PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang continues to receive brickbats over his controversial labelling of non-Bumiputeras and non-Muslims as “roots of corruption”, with attention now being drawn to the Islamist party’s non-Muslim wing and election candidates.

Muslim women’s rights group Sisters in Islam (SIS) said the Marang MP’s call for the corruption “disease” to be eradicated holistically and branding of those involved as committing a “huge sin” was a positive call.

Nevertheless, blaming non-Muslims and non-Bumiputera as the main actors of corruption is “denigrating and appalling”, a spokesperson for the group told FocusM.

“His recent Facebook post is disconnected with PAS’ efforts to invite non-Muslims to become their members or supporters,” they added.

In 2018, PAS fielded non-Muslim candidates in the 14th General Election (GE14), such as the late R. Kumutha (Johor Jaya, Johor) and Satail Mojungkat (Kadamaian, Sabah). Satail was also the first non-Muslim to be fielded as a candidate by Sabah PAS.

On the other hand, back in 2020, PAS received around 200 membership forms from non-Muslims to join the non-Muslim supporters’ wing in Negeri Sembilan.

The PAS non-Muslim supporters’ wing has since defended Hadi over his remarks, saying that he told them he was blaming the rich and famous and not non-Muslims and non-Bumiputeras specifically.

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Hadi’s non-Muslims ‘roots of corruption’ remarks based on study: PAS leader
[Image: 20220907-Mohd_Zuhdi_Marzuki-Dr._Mohd_Zuh...ok_pic.jpg]

KUALA LUMPUR – A PAS central committee member has defended party president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang, who is being investigated by police for stating that non-Muslims are the major cause of corruption.

Dr Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki cited a survey by an unnamed local university which found that between 2010 and 2014, 88% of 449 people who were convicted of giving bribes were non-Malays.

Writing on his Facebook page as well as in PAS’ organ Harakah Daily, Zuhdi said that of the total percentage, 57.46% were Chinese, 30.51% were Indians and 12.03% were Malays.

“This study was also published in an international journal of repute at a well-known university in the US.

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Study quoted by PAS to back “roots of corruption” claim also said don’t generalise findings
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A LOCAL study that PAS based their non-Bumiputeras and non-Malays being the “roots of corruption” position on also included a disclaimer about its findings not being generalisable.

PAS central committee member Dr Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki recently defended party president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang for making the controversial statement last month, saying it was based on an unnamed local survey.

According to him, between 2010 and 2014, 88% of 449 people who were convicted of giving bribes were non-Malays: 57.46% were Chinese, 30.51% were Indians and only 12.03% were Malays.

This was the same finding published in The Size and Costs of Bribes in Malaysia: An Analysis Based on Convicted Bribe Givers paper written by lecturers Dr Christine Siew-Pyng Chong and Prof Dr Suresh Narayanan and published in the Asian Economic Papers journal in 2017.

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Hadi not telling whole truth about corruption study, say Pakatan leaders
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GEORGE TOWN – Pakatan Harapan leaders have urged PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang not to mislead Muslims by only highlighting non-Muslims in a corruption study so as to claim that they are the main cause of graft.

Former PKR senator Yusmadi Yusoff said that for a learned cleric, Hadi has been playing politics too much to the extent that he has failed to explain corruption in an accurate context.

The Quran, Yusmaidi said, states that those giving and accepting bribes are both wrong.

“Hadi is too one-sided. In Islam, it is clearly spelt out that givers and takers of bribes are both wrong,” Yusmadi told The Vibes.

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