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  Corruption fatigue
Posted by: superadmin - 01-08-2022, 11:50 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

[Image: 1_SPRM_MACC_LOGO_FMT_23092021.jpg]

From JJ Singam

In what must seem to be becoming an alarmingly regular occurrence, yet another corruption-related scandal has burst onto the arena of both regular and social media.

This time it involves Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Azam Baki. It concerns shares in a public-listed company purchased in his personal trading account in 2015 allegedly by his brother but with his knowledge and permission and which was subsequently transferred to the brother’s account.

This follows hot on the heels of other allegations that he has shareholding interests in other companies as well. A career anti-corruption officer dating back from 1984, he rose through the ranks and was MACC director of investigation in 2015 when this incident happened, and has since risen to the top as chief commissioner since 2020.

It is noteworthy that another chief commissioner of the MACC was also embroiled in a scandal in 2019 whereby allegations of interference in the infamous 1MDB case involving a former prime minister arose, and where he again allegedly was featured among others in nine audio clips of phone conversations in 2016 which were construed as possible attempts to manipulate information and exonerate the former prime minister.

Uproar and outrage… these would be among the emotions one would expect when the very institution that was created to weed out corruption and bring the corrupt to justice appears to become embroiled in matters that are embarrassing at best and potentially threaten the integrity and trust in the agency.

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  Ismail Sabri must speak up on Azam Baki scandal – Gobind Singh Deo
Posted by: superadmin - 01-08-2022, 10:57 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

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THE concerns about Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki were raised by Sg Buloh MP R. Sivarasa last month.

The Anti-Corruption Advisory Board (LPPR) said it sought and was satisfied with Azam’s explanation.

The Securities Commission (SC) thereafter in a statement said it would be in touch with Azam for an explanation, citing certain provisions in the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) Act 1991.

The prime minister as the minister in charge of the MACC must now state:

1. Whether he was aware of the probe the Anti-Corruption Advisory Board held with respect to the allegations against Azam?

2. Whether LPPR had the power to conduct that probe and if so, under which provisions of law did it act and how was the probe conducted?

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  Bitcoin slumps to a three-month low as cryptocurrencies extend losses
Posted by: superadmin - 01-08-2022, 10:39 AM - Forum: Business, Economy and Investment - No Replies

  • The price of bitcoin fell below the $41,000 mark on Friday, reaching its lowest level since Sept. 29, according to data from Coin Metrics.
  • Hawkish comments from the Federal Reserve this week triggered a sell-off in global stock markets which spilled over into cryptocurrencies.
  • An internet shutdown in Kazakhstan, the world’s second-largest bitcoin mining hub, is also weighing on crypto prices.
[Image: b25lY21zOmM4MDUyOGQ4LTAyMDItNDYzZi05YWVh...?width=640]

Bitcoin dropped to a three-month low late Friday amid jitters over U.S. monetary policy tightening and an internet shutdown in Kazakhstan, the world’s second-biggest bitcoin mining hub.

The price of bitcoin fell below the $41,000 mark to $40,749.90 just after 10:50 a.m. ET Friday, reaching its lowest level since Sept. 29, according to data from Coin Metrics. It was last trading down 2.9% at a price of $41,947.75.

The world’s largest cryptocurrency began falling earlier this week after the minutes from the Federal Reserve’s December meeting hinted the U.S. central bank would dial back its pandemic-era stimulus.

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  Parliamentary special committee to discuss allegations against Azam Baki next week
Posted by: superadmin - 01-08-2022, 10:18 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

Parliamentary special committee to discuss allegations against Azam Baki next week: Rais

[Image: Rais_Yatim_-_sept_9_2021-_bernama.jpg]

KUALA LUMPUR – For Malaysia to be embroiled in a scandal involving Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief, while it faces a plethora of other issues, is unfortunate for the country, said Dewan Negara president Tan Sri Rais Yatim.

Speaking to The Vibes, the veteran politician lamented how such matters have added to the litany of challenges in the country, judicially and legislatively, and environmentally, brought on by the recent floods.

“At a time when we have other colossal cases being attended to by the system, specially by the judiciary, and at a time when there are other investigations going on, this thing has to come up.

“That is unfortunate for our country and system.”

Rais, who heads the Parliamentary Special Committee on Corruption (JKMR), and the Dewan Negara Special Committee Governance, Integrity and Anti-Corruption, expressed his hopes of seeing civil servants who fear the repercussions of corrupt activities, and not otherwise.

“It is my personal hope that office holders fear the repercussions or results of a corrupt act; we have been suffering too much and too long on this issue.”

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  New leadership paradigm needed in Machiavellian Malaysian politics: academic
Posted by: superadmin - 01-08-2022, 10:13 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

[Image: 20220107_tan_sri_kamal_hassan_Nik_Hasyudeen_fb.jpeg]

KUALA LUMPUR – Calling the current Malaysian political climate Machiavellian, Tan Sri Kamal Hassan called for a paradigm of new leadership.

The author of Corruption and Hypocrisy in Malay-Muslim Politics said that this was his first time writing about Malay politics, and he did so to address the rot that has festered in the nation’s political arena.

“I feel like my time is about to end. I may have to return to Allah soon, but the political scenario is frustrating.

“I have been observing political development in the country for 70 years, and I feel that things are getting worse,” Kamal said on Awani’s Consider This programme yesterday.

Pointing towards Malay nationalism as a factor, he said nationalists initially came with an agenda to uplift the economic position of the Malays.

However, he said, with the absence of the restraint brought forth by ethics and sound religious values, Malay leaders became more corrupt.

Pointing out that Malay nationalists are largely secular-oriented and comprise westernised elites, the political model inherited from the British separating religion from politics led to the current crisis where corruption and hypocrisy has bred in the nation’s governance.

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  It doesn’t pay to be a nice guy, pundit tells PM
Posted by: superadmin - 01-08-2022, 09:43 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

[Image: ismail-sabri-bernama-3.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: Ismail Sabri Yaakob has been known as the ‘nice guy’ since he entered politics but as prime minister, he needs to be firm to prevent the country from going into shambles, says an academic.

Former Universiti Teknologi Malaysia lecturer Azmi Hassan said Ismail is at his weakest politically as he faces an uphill task in dealing with different camps in Umno, Bersatu and PAS.

“As there are different camps in Umno, he is unable to garner 100% support. Due to the dynamics within Bersatu and PAS, he is also unable to gain their full support,” he said.

Even the move to secure a political understanding with PH in September has not worked well for Ismail as there are calls for its review. “The MoU does not add value to Ismail. All political parties know he is a nice guy and they are trying to see how it benefits them,” he said.

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  MACC chief going after whistleblower he’s meant to protect
Posted by: superadmin - 01-08-2022, 09:22 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

[Image: 50355e391df35ab11b7bb880827ab5e1.jpeg=s800]

Salvage Malaysia: MACC encouraged whistleblowers to report cases so that it can investigate if there are grounds of corruption. But now, when it comes to the agency’s own chief, it wants to sue a whistleblower for RM10 million.

Do you know what are the values the MACC stands for? I’m sorry but I think MACC chief commissioner Azam Baki has gone off the deep end. 

Assuming that Azam can really prove that he is innocent, he should say that notwithstanding the alleged slander thrown at him by the whistleblower, he would still encourage whistleblowers to report cases to MACC for investigations. And that he would boldly confront this dark episode by laying out all documentary evidence that the money came from his brother in the purchase of shares under his name, etc.

If you have done that, I will salute you, Azam, because you would have protected the sanctity of MACC. However, you are now behaving just like some of those arrested by MACC for corruption - using intimidation. You should not stoop to such levels.

Dr Raman Letchumanan: Isn't it funny - this whistleblower may get witness protection by MACC officials against the MACC head.

The PM should realise Azam is becoming a liability and may tarnish whatever credibility his Keluarga Malaysia government has. Act fast and do damage control. Don't react like he did in the Selangor floods.

To the whistleblower, Lalitha Kunaratnam, I salute you for exposing this story of Azam purchasing a huge number of shares in his name. In fact, when I first read this news when it was published in October, I knew it was a big scoop like no other. I also suspected no other media would dare carry this story then.

It remained hidden until political economy professor Edmund Terence Gomez broke it with his resignation from the MACC advisory panel.

Actually, what you exposed is all in the public domain, especially the records in the Companies Commission. You didn't make any accusations or inference, just stated the facts.
The online news portal that reported this story got DDOS attacked (cyberattack) and shut down. I am sure you must have also come under heavy pressure and threat to withdraw the story and apologise.

Yet, you seemed to hold on. You are a brave woman. All right-thinking Malaysians will be on your side. We will support you in whatever way we can. It is extremely rare to find such a brave person nowadays. You are doing national service, even though the authorities may not like it for obvious reasons.

Azam is in panic mode and feels threatened. Otherwise, how could the head of MACC issue such a demand to a relatively unknown person?

He claimed he is innocent and above board. So why the need for this legal action?

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  Clinically Dead Woman Gets Told The Meaning of Life During Near Death Experience NDE
Posted by: superadmin - 01-07-2022, 07:23 PM - Forum: Interesting Videos - No Replies

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  Is The US Giving Up Taiwan?
Posted by: superadmin - 01-07-2022, 06:11 PM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

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  How A.I. is set to evolve in 2022, according to the experts
Posted by: superadmin - 01-07-2022, 03:47 PM - Forum: AI - Artificial Intelligence - No Replies

  • AI can excel at specific narrow tasks such as playing chess but it struggles to do more than one thing well.
  • While AI still has a long way to go before anything like human-level intelligence is achieved, it hasn’t stopped the likes of Google, Facebook and Amazon investing billions of dollars.
[Image: 106908631-1625805682269-gettyimages-1327...=740&h=416]

Machines are getting smarter and smarter every year, but artificial intelligence is yet to live up to the hype that’s been generated by some of the world’s largest technology companies.

AI can excel at specific narrow tasks such as playing chess but it struggles to do more than one thing well. A seven-year-old has far broader intelligence than any of today’s AI systems, for example.

“AI algorithms are good at approaching individual tasks, or tasks that include a small degree of variability,” Edward Grefenstette, a research scientist at Meta AI, formerly Facebook AI Research, told CNBC.

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