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I sign the ‘watikah’, Sng insists he is rightful PBM president
[Image: FW1259682_SG05_01102022_PBM-lpr-1024x706.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: Larry Sng insists he is still the president of Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM) and will be signing the watikah (appointment letter of candidates) in the 15th general election (GE15).

“All previous announcements made by party leaders are just mere speculation,” the former Julau MP said in a Facebook post.

“The official announcement will be made by myself, and only I will sign the watikah for PBM in GE15.”

Stating that he had not resigned from his position or relinquished his party membership, Sng said that he would be contesting GE15 on PBM’s ticket.

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Sng suspends PBM sec-gen, info chief

PETALING JAYA: Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM) president Larry Sng has suspended the party’s secretary-general Nor Hizwan Ahmad and information chief Zakaria Abdul Hamid, effective immediately.

Nor Hizwan and Zakaria are believed to be closely linked to Zuraida. The former used to be her political secretary.

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Settle ‘president’ issue once and for all, PBM’s number two urges Larry Sng
[Image: 20210405-Lembah_Jaya_rep_Haniza_Mohamed_...ernama.jpg]

KUALA LUMPUR – Parti Bangsa Malaysia’s (PBM) deputy president Haniza Talha has called on party president Larry Sng to attend the party’s supreme council meeting on November 3 in light of the latter’s decision to suspend the party’s secretary-general and information chief, today.

In a statement, Haniza said Sng’s attendance is important to resolve questions raised over the position of Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin as PBM’s legitimate president as announcement during the party’s annual general meeting (AGM) on October 7 and was confirmed during the meeting minutes of PBM’s sixth supreme council meeting recently. 

“The call to hold the meeting falls under clause 21(1) of PBM’s constitution, which allows the party’s supreme council upon a written request by at least one-third of the total number of supreme council members to hold a meeting to resolve certain issues.”

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Sng still PBM president, says RoS

PETALING JAYA: The Registrar of Societies (RoS) has confirmed that Larry Sng is still Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM) president.

RoS director-general Nawardi Saad said that based on its records, Sng holds the top post in the party, Berita Harian reported.

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PBM conflict will be resolved internally before nomination day: Zuraida
[Image: 20221030_-_Zuraida_Kamaruddin_pbm_specia...MRAN_5.jpg]

KUALA LUMPUR – Embattled Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM) leader Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin said the internal strife plaguing her party will be resolved before nomination day.

This comes after the party’s president Larry Sng suspended Zuraida and 12 other supreme council members on Friday, and after he reiterated that he is in charge of PBM.

Without disclosing the details of the current internal conflicts, Zuraida said the party is looking to iron out the issues before the official registration of candidates on November 5.

“God willing, all the issues regarding the president post of PBM will be resolved before November 5, which is on nomination day,” she said.

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No seat allocation so PSM calls off its electoral pact with Pakatan
[Image: PSM.png]

WITHOUT a single seat being offered to the party, PSM has pulled out of its electoral pact with the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition, deeming the latter has no desire to forge an electoral pact with PSM.

“We were informed through an official letter from PH Oct 30 (yesterday) that PSM’s minimum request for an electoral pact with PH has been totally rejected,” the party’s elections director S. Arutchelvan pointed out in a media statement.

“We regret the matter being informed to us so late in-spite of statement by (PKR’s depuy president) Rafizi (Ramli) on Friday (Oct 28) that certain seats were allocated for PSM and MUDA.”

Source: FM

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