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01-15-2025, 10:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-22-2025, 03:53 PM by takso.)
The Conditioned World
In Buddhism, our dependence on others causes us to experience suffering, like all else in the Universe. Regardless of the phenomenon, we cannot escape the circumstances of suffering due to external influences or dominances; we simply deem it as an insurmountable mission and just can’t be evaded. What makes us like that?
It should be noted that all classifications related to life and death are human constructs, which are concepts of mental consciousness in themselves. Consequently, our world is awash with illusive relationships, like emergence and cessation. Let's take a look at the following illustration: -
![[Image: Kkz75XI.jpg]](
In the real world, all things are simultaneously present under the current dynamism. The projectile temporal movement discernible by our mental consciousness is purely due to relativity, because of the varying vibratory frequencies. As a result, we often instill the habit of building narratives from a series of linear events; thus, the creation of time-shifting delusions, according to the past, the present, and the future. Generally speaking, conventional time is subjective-cum-relative, namely, it relies on the mind of the observer to feed the assessment on the other side of the object or matter. In the end, the overall episode varies depending on the different observers or minds. The applicable principle: -
Present dynamism = Frequency x Becoming (Space x Time)
In the present dynamism, a higher vibratory frequency would produce a process to become slower and vice versa. For instance, in relative terms, the experience of a second in a heavenly plane with superior vibrational frequencies is equal to 10 years for the human domain with weaker vibrational frequencies. Therefore, it would be wrongly assumed that all heavenly beings are immortal.
Buddhadhamma teaches that the mind is the precursor of all things. But the mind per se is deathless, just like energy (it can't be destroyed). What steps can we take to manage our minds, then? The simple solution is to neutralise it. Neutralisation can also be expressed as absence. However, absence is not about nothingness, but rather no-thingness, just like +2-2 = 0, +154-154 = 0, and so on.
No-thing would signify neither becoming nor changing. No change is going to mean no suffering. No suffering would mean no mind (no consciousness in individuality). No mind signifies a neutralised state of things, and it is nibbāna.
Namo Buddhaya!
1. Interstellar travel in the same domain (measured in light years) results in a linear trajectory.
2. Hyperdimensional travel does not follow a linear path, but rather a frequency adjustment.
3. Plane A, Plane B, and Plane C are linked together in a matrix fashion.
4. There is a variation in the time dimension (temporal) between Plane A, Plane B, and Plane C.
5. There is no projectile temporal movement between Plane A, Plane B, and Plane C, which means that everything is simultaneously present under the current dynamism. Every event can, will, and has happened.
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01-15-2025, 07:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2025, 10:35 AM by takso.)
1. The present dynamism is unconjecturable and is mainly due to the emptiness, the qualities of no beginning and no end.
2. In the real world, all things are simultaneously present under the current dynamism only. The projectile temporal movement discernible by our mental consciousness is purely due to relativity, because of the varying vibratory frequencies.
3. Supposedly, in an observed spacetime, there were two individuals, i.e. A and B. Both individuals will travel the wavy road at the same speed simultaneously. The duration of time required by Individual A to travel from one end to another is undoubtedly longer than that of Individual B with a less wavy road. From the observations above, it can be inferred that higher frequency circumstances would slow down the process of becoming a.k.a. time dilation.
4. In other words, fluctuating vibration frequencies between subjects will cause relative chronology variations. The applicable principle: Present dynamism [constant] = frequency (space) [speeds up] x becoming (time) [slows down]
5. Frequency is the number of waves that pass a given point in one second. One second is defined as the time it takes for a cesium atom to absorb and emit microwave radiation 9,192,631,770 times. This is the international standard unit of time, known as the second. While humans have adopted this principle, aliens may apply it differently.
6. One light-year is the amount of distance light travels in a single Earth year. One light-year is about 6 trillion miles (9 trillion km).
7. The energy intensity determines how time progresses in our changing existence. Energy increases as the wavelength decreases and the frequency increases. As frequency increases, time decreases.
8. The trajectory of the consciousness is centred on the matrix. This means that its frequency waves would spontaneously travel to any intended destination through spacetime, unlike light particles that move by one destination after another.
9. Supposedly, an alien from outer space would come to Individual C (human) and declare that he came from 100 light years away from the Earth. Can Individual C view the alien's original location by flying in a spaceship that travels at a speed of 100 light years? The answer is negative. Again, consciousness' trajectory is a matrix, not linear. The alien merely describes the distance with Individual C in a metaphor humans understand.
10. Consciousness mapping is like a central security monitoring station with a giant screen that simultaneously displays video images at all angles or strategic positions. The basic rule is that any beings with higher vibrational frequencies would discern other beings with lower vibrational frequencies and not the reverse.
11. This means that the object or matter must transpire within the frequency horizon of the subject; without it, it would be impossible to observe. For example, a journey through time could happen in the human plane via a frequency tweak which is commonly observed in trance mediumship.
12. At the end of the day, the difference between aliens/gods/celestial beings and humans is simply their varying vibrational frequencies. The aliens/gods/celestial beings would ascend into the realm of the higher frequency with the shorter wavelength, whilst humans would rise in the kingdom of the lower frequency with the longer wavelength.
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01-20-2025, 09:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-22-2025, 04:07 PM by takso.)
Alien Interview: Project Blue Book
M: State planet of origin.
A: Earth.
M: Yesterday you told us you travelled “thousands of light years to get here”.
A: Yes.
M: Tell us the truth…
A: It is truth. I am from Earth. From your future. To travel in time is to travel in space. Offset spatial divergence.
M: So, I take it aliens took over our future?
A: No.
M: So, you’re human.
A: An evolutionary descendant.
M: So, you evolved from us?
A: Yes.
M: So, what are you doing here? Now?
A: Observing. Since evidence was destroyed.
M: How?
A: Nuclear war. Small numbers survived. Our ancestors.
M: How about we concentrate on your time.
A: You are not capable of comprehending or accepting the discoveries of my time.
M: Try me.
A: The origin of Universe…the nature of so-called life…it is known.
M: So, you know the meaning of life?
A: Not meaning. Nature.
M: What’s the difference?
A: Meaning is something that is ascribed. Nature is the objective reality.
M: So, you know how the Universe is created?
A: Yes.
M: So, you’ve seen God?
A: We evolved past a need for superstition. The need for God and other myths.
M: Illuminate us. What happens when we die?
A: Death is a human construct. It does not exist. You will experience…and have experienced…every instance of so-called life. You. Me. Him. We are instances of the same life. Separated by what you called death.
M: So, let me get this straight. There is no death…and we all experience each other’s lives?
A: In essence, yes.
M: So, how was the Universe created and why is it so perfectly made for us?
A: There are infinite number of Universes. Each with different physical properties. Virtually all do not support life…such as you know it. We exist in a Universe that does support…so-called life. That is all.
M: Moving on. So, why do we destroy ourselves with nuclear war?
A: Dogma.
M: Can you be more specific?
A: Political and religious dogmas. It is the root of all major conflict of your species. In your next century…access to weaponry of mass destruction by states that are ruled by dogma…will destroy your species.
M: One last thing. What about morality? What do you base your morality on?
A: Compassion and evidence.
M: I see. That’s it. Thank you.
Offset Spatial Divergence
1. First, grasping the basic meaning of space divergence is important.
2. Space = energy at work, i.e. frequency; time = an indicator of the events.
3. Space divergence = the frequency of two things becoming different or the distinction between them is rising.
4. Offset = counteract (something) by having an equal and opposite force or effect.
5. Offset spatial divergence = reducing the disparity in frequency between two things.
6. Alien came up with a machine that can adjust frequency to the human level at the end, see below: -
Note: Formula: f equals 1 over t, f being frequency and t being time.
F1 = frequency level for Alien, T1 = process of becoming for Alien
F2 = frequency level for Human, T2 = process of becoming for Human
7. According to the above observation, travelling in time is the same as travelling in space. Space travel (the difference in frequency) is similar to time travel (the difference in the process of becoming).
8. In the end, similar to Einstein's special theory of relativity, an Alien's twin travels to the Human Domain via spaceship and returns to find that its twin is much younger. This also means that aliens within the human realm are unable to live for a long time, which would result in their premature death.
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01-20-2025, 01:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2025, 04:01 AM by takso.)
1. Supposedly, an alien from outer space would come to Individual C (human) and declare that he came from 1,000 light years away from the Earth. Can Individual C view the alien's original location by flying in a spaceship that travels at a speed of 1,000 light years?
2. The answer is negative. In the present dynamism, there is no temporal movement, but a regeneration of events. The alien merely describes the distance with Individual C in a metaphor humans understand. Again, consciousness' trajectory is a matrix, not linear.
3. Universe B and Universe C exist concurrently, with both being linked together in a matrix fashion. The difference in time dimension (temporal) between the two planes of existence is the reason why every event can, will, and has happened.
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01-20-2025, 03:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2025, 05:14 PM by takso.)
1. The nuclear war in Plane B (Alien Domain) led to the literal extinction of humans (Homo sapiens).
2. A time traveller, who is an evolutionary descendant of humans, attempted to reach Plane C (Human Domain) to observe for academic purposes, possibly.
3. The primary question at present is whether humans (in Plane C) will be fated like those in Plane B in the future, as described by the time traveller.
4. There is still no certainty about the answer. Keep in mind that Plane B and Plane C exist simultaneously. In a matrix fashion, the two planes are linked. The saying goes, what occurs in Rome remains in Rome. As individuals, Plane B and Plane C share a genetic link, but it does not mean that they are identical twins. Just like Plane C may develop cancer if Plane B has it, but it's not a certainty.
5. In the end, Plane C is advised by Plane B to take precautionary measures to prevent the same tragic outcome as Plane B. The irony is that aliens, who are time travellers, will not take any steps to prevent nuclear war in Plane C (Human Domain) as doing so would lead to their long-term disappearance (if humans continue to thrive after thousands of years).
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01-21-2025, 10:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2025, 10:28 AM by takso.)
Birth And Rebirth
For general comprehension, rebirth is not transmigration. A single soul does not spontaneously migrate from one physical body to another as soon as it matures. In Buddhism, rebirth refers to the evolution of an individual’s consciousness or stream of consciousness. This means that the new consciousness that appears in the same person (in the new person after death) is neither identical nor wholly different from the old consciousness. Still, it is part of a continuum of causation or streams with it.
The underlying cause of this persistent reappearance of the personality is the consciousness that remains in ignorance; when ignorance is eradicated, rebirth ends. For example, a flame is transferred from one candle to another, or the fire propagates from one field to another. Just as it depends upon the original fire, there is a conditioned relationship between one life and the other; they are not identical, but they are not completely distinct either.
Meanwhile, the rebirth may take place from a separate source with several different personalities at some point in time, just as the genetic line changes from generation to generation. Typically, most individuals were unable to remember each other’s past lives because of the assimilated heritage of the myriad of ancestral sources. However, some people vividly remember their past life and the whole episode depends on the density of legacy elements as shown below: -
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01-21-2025, 03:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-22-2025, 07:58 AM by takso.)
Alien Interview: Project Blue Book
M: You say you’re from the future and evolutionary descendant of humans. Yet you also say that you are a different species. So, which one is it? Are you descendant of humans or not?
A: We are descendant of Sapiens. But we can no longer breed with your kind. Therefore, we are a new species.
M: Then how do you speak English? Answer me…How do you speak English?
A: Learning your language is essential to understanding your species.
M: So, you just picked up English because you’re so smart?
A: Relatively, yes.
M: You said you know the origin of the Universe but you did not provide the explanation. So, I ask you again. How was the Universe created?
A: You are not capable of comprehending or accepting the truths of existence.
M: Answer the question.
A: The Universe was not created.
M: But you can’t create something out of nothing.
A: That is correct.
M: So, there is. Only a creator can make something out of nothing.
A: That is incorrect.
M: You just contradicted yourself.
A: Nothing, by definition, does not exist.
M: So?
A: Since nothing cannot exist what is left is existence. Existence is infinite. It has no end. No beginning. And therefore, no creator.
M: But you said there’s an origin to the Universe.
A: Yes.
M: There it is. I caught you in a lie.
A: This Universe is not existence. It is an infinitely small part of existence.
M: So now, you’re talking nonsense. Again, how was the Universe created so miraculously?
A: This Universe is a spontaneous event and inevitable within the eternity of existence. Every event can, will, and has happened. Including this Universe. There are an infinite number of Universes. Virtually all cannot harbour so-called life. This Universe is, by chance, stable and has the occasional capacity to harbour so-called life.
M: So, life “just happened”, right?
A: In this Universe, yes. Life, as you called it, is an inevitable consequence of this Universe’s physical properties.
M: So, you’re telling me that we’re just random.
A: Yes. This Universe is indifferent to so-called life.
M: How so?
A: Life on this and every world can be destroyed at any time by a multitude of random events.
M: Such as?
A: What you would term supernova, solar flare, asteroid impact.
M: So, the Universe doesn’t care if we live or die?
A: Correct.
M: I don’t believe that for a second…we’re more than just random.
A: As I said, you are not capable of accepting the truths of existence.
M: So, if we’re just “random” then there is no meaning to the Universe.
A: That is correct.
M: So, if there is no meaning to the Universe then what’s the point of living.
A: There is meaning.
M: You just contradicted yourself again.
A: Meaning lives in the mind.
M: No, no no. You can’t live a full life…you can’t live a life at all if you assume that meaning is somehow made up.
A: Your species conjures meaning but operates under false belief that meaning is a mystical plan. It is not.
M: So, what is meaning?
A: Meaning is what you make up.
M: Moving on. You say we humans will die as a species. So, tell me, when does the nuclear war start?
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Alien Interview: Project Blue Book
M: So, tell me when does the nuclear war start?
A: It is not my place to change history…. Just over half a century from this point in time.
M: By whom?
A: Nuclear war will begin in this country.
M: Really? Us? How?
A: A human male will briefly rule your country and will be responsible for the destruction of most of your species.
M: Interesting. So, is he alive now?
A: Yes.
M: Just tell me his name and we’ll kill him.
A: I cannot. The name was removed from our historical record. We cannot allow altering history through murder.
M: Just tell me what he does.
A: He will weaken your democratic mechanism by appealing to your species' most primitive instinct. Fear. Tribalism. Political and religious dogma. There will be international condemnation. In response, he will order a preemptive nuclear strike. This will proliferate into a global nuclear war.
M: So, then we blow up.
A: The initial exchange only ends a few million humans.
M: “Only” a million lives.
A: It is the resulting radiation that will end most of your kind. My species is the evolutionary result.
M: So, how do we stop this?
A: Protect your democracy from political and religious dogma. Protect it from rejection of objective fact. At this point in time, your democracy is stable. This will not be the case in a half-century.
M: So, if we stop this lunatic from blowing us up…we’ll be fine?
A: No.
M: Wait, but you said if we stop him…we won’t be destroyed.
A: There is another threat.