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New tech, wreck hunters may yet shed light on missing MH370
[Image: 140318-irving-malaysia_mh370-AFP.jpg]

KUALA LUMPUR – It appears that all is not lost in the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which went missing more than seven years ago in what is arguably the world’s biggest aviation mystery.  

Recent reports suggest new developments taking place that can hopefully shed light on the fate of the aircraft, giving a glimmer of hope to next of kins longing for updates and closure.

Globally, MH370 “hunters” are carrying out their own dedicated searches after the authorities ended theirs in May 2018, a mission that cost tens of millions of ringgit and involved a number of countries.

Meanwhile, new technology capable of tracking historical data on radio signals bumping off aircraft fuselages is currently on trial, and hold the key in locating the plane.

UK daily The Times reported on Friday that the technology could help predict more accurately the final location of the plane before it vanished over the Indian Ocean, solving the seven-year search.

Its pioneers believe it may even be possible to chart MH370’s last minutes with increased precision to narrow down the search area.

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