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Hadi’s interpretation of secularism is dangerous for Malaysia
[Image: ?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.freemalaysiatod...w=384&q=75]
For a large number of Muslims and PAS members, party president Abdul Hadi Awang’s sermons amount to the gospel truth, whether one likes it or not. His pronouncements of Islamic beliefs are taken by his staunch followers as some kind of religious edict or fatwa.

But his column on Jan 1 to welcome the new year was very troubling indeed.
He said secularism is a bigger sin compared to slander and murder because secularism kills Islamic beliefs and faith in Allah. “It is the biggest sin in Islam,” he declared.

Hair-raising stuff.

Although he made direct references to DAP as a way of getting around racial undertones, he was implying that the secular way of life practised by more than 60% of Malaysians goes against Islam.

Most dictionaries define secularism as the principle of seeking to conduct human affairs based on naturalistic considerations, uninvolved with religion. The basic principle of freedom of expression and choice, which is guaranteed by the constitution, is also part of secularism.

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