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Praziquantel: Used to Treat Schistosomiasis - Medzsupplier
Praziquantel is a widely used Antiparasitic medication, particularly effective against Schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease caused by blood flukes of the genus *Schistosoma*. Schistosomiasis is a major public health concern in tropical and subtropical regions, affecting millions worldwide. The infection occurs when individuals come into contact with freshwater contaminated by parasitic larvae, which penetrate the skin and eventually mature into adult worms in the bloodstream.

Praziquantel works by disrupting the membrane of the parasites, causing muscle paralysis in the worms, which are then expelled from the body through the immune system. It is highly effective against all species of *Schistosoma* and is typically administered as a single-dose oral medication.

The drug is well-tolerated with minimal side effects, though some patients may experience mild reactions such as dizziness, headache, or abdominal discomfort. In areas where Schistosomiasis is endemic, Praziquantel is often used in mass treatment programs, significantly reducing the burden of disease. Regular administration of the drug in these regions has been shown to decrease the prevalence of infection and the severity of associated symptoms, such as anemia and organ damage, improving overall public health. Buy Praziquantel For Humans Online at Medzsupplier.

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