10-07-2023, 09:07 AM
![[Image: Yeoh-Guan-Jin-latest-confirm.jpg]](https://media.freemalaysiatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Yeoh-Guan-Jin-latest-confirm.jpg)
There is no doubt that Malaysians have dreams that are too big for their own good.
A few years ago, we wanted to build a flying car. However, the project had its wings clipped even before it could go down the runway.
The entrepreneur development minister then, Redzuan Mohd Yusof, stated that it would be a private-sector driven initiative but that did not stop the government from throwing in RM20 million.
That was all taxpayers’ money. Basically, yours and mine.
Nothing has been heard of the project since 2019, which is just as well, because no one is inclined to put money into a project that is unlikely to take off.
All the same it did bring some comic relief which developed into a contagion on social media. Jokes and images of flying Protons were aplenty.
Now, the Malaysian Space Agency (Mysa) has announced an ambitious plan to build a rocket launch site.
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