08-20-2023, 08:19 AM
![[Image: 0b58ceb8a0736b50e49b15b5446f4a00.jpg=s800]](https://i.ncdn.xyz/publisher-c1a3f893382d2b2f8a9aa22a654d9c97/2020/10/0b58ceb8a0736b50e49b15b5446f4a00.jpg=s800)
Apanama is back: Lawyers for Liberty director Zaid Malek, what ‘reformist’ government? This is not a reformist government for the last nine months.
Of course, there were some selective so-called reforms. But since Umno is in the coalition, reforms could mean premature death.
The Madani administration will go on “business as usual” like during the BN/Umno era. Deep state and little Napoleons will keep on having their days. More on the way.
In fact, the just concluded six state elections sent a crystal-clear message to the Madani administration on who is actually running the show.
Nothing will change, Zaid, nothing. All the infamous laws are here to stay. Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma), Sedition Act, Section 233, Printing Presses and Publication Act, among others.
If things go on in this way in the next four years, I can anticipate that we will have a PAS president in Putrajaya as the prime minister.
At least the other side is not pretentious. If they enforce clothing codes, they already say so. If they enforce banning four-digit numbers and drinking alcohol, among others, they already said so.
Unlike the current administration, they talk about reforms but do something else. This is even worse than the other side.
Zaid, you and I got short-changed by this so-called “death reform” administration. I hope voters will punish this administration in the 16th general election.
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