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Missing Minister - A Hop Too Far For PN Frog MP Edmund Santhara?
[Image: cea713d140238437636cb618da993295ed768cb6.jpg]

Are you an official in the Federal Territories Department looking for input from your Deputy Minister?  Or perhaps a constituent of Segamat looking for urgent assistance from your MP?

Forget it for now, because the person concerned, wealthy former businessman Edmund Santhara MP, has not set foot in Malaysia this year according to dismayed insiders.

He dived out during lockdown to enjoy Christmas in New Zealand thanks to a little string-pulling in the Home Affairs Ministry, according to reliable reports received by Sarawak Report (he is thick as thieves with Minister Hamzah Zainuddin) and has not so far bothered to return.

Of course, Santhara’s other paid public role is that of a parliamentarian, which he can rightly argue he is no longer able to perform, owing to the closure of Parliament under the bogus pretext of an emergency to do with Covid (all Malaysians know that Parliament is actually suspended because the present coup government no longer has a majority).

With Santhara in New Zealand PN has even less of a showing of MPs of course, since he was one of the handful of defectors from PKR who gave the coup conspirators a fleeting sliver of a majority. That was after GPS and some others had been bought following weeks of bartering once the Agong had appointed ‘PM8′ with his pal Zaifrul to be in charge of the all important finances.

PKR’s former rogue deputy president Azmin Ali had boasted of a far bigger defection to his co-conspirators, such as Hamzah, making the whole plot to overturn the democratically elected government extremely shaky.

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