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Najib issues letter of demand to Tommy Thomas
[Image: Najib-Razak-Tommy-Thomas.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: Former prime minister Najib Razak has issued a letter of demand to former attorney-general Tommy Thomas for defaming him in his recently published memoir “My Story: Justice in the Wilderness”.

Najib’s lawyer, Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, said his client was seeking an apology and RM10 million in compensation.
“If we do not receive a satisfactory reply from you by this Friday, our clear instruction is to institute legal proceedings early next week,” he said.

In the letter of demand to Thomas, Najib said that on about Jan 31, he had published a book and the alleged defamation was in chapter 42 under the title “Altantuya” which ran from pages 400 to 405.

The letter also stated that by clear inference and innuendo, Thomas had conveyed the message that he, as the then AG and public prosecutor (between June 6, 2018 and Feb 28 last year), was satisfied of the truthfulness of the allegations by two convicted persons that Najib was involved in directing them to murder Altantuya Shaariibuu.

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