06-24-2022, 04:14 PM
Impressed by freedom of Xinjiang youth, French writer keeps publishing to unmask anti-China propaganda
![[Image: d2b8cfce-4f92-4f81-ba9d-fbdaa16f9505.jpeg]](https://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0/attachment/2022/2022-06-23/d2b8cfce-4f92-4f81-ba9d-fbdaa16f9505.jpeg)
Editor's Note:
Maxime Vivas (Vivas) is a French writer and journalist, who wrote a book titled Ouïghours, pour en finir avec les fake news (Uygurs, to put an end to the fake news) based on his two visits to Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in 2016 and 2018.
Recently, his new book Les Divagations des Antichinois en France (The ramblings of anti-China forces in France) has been published in which he wrote about how he was under attack and threats for insisting on speaking the truth.
The Global Times (GT) reporter Liu Xin interviewed the French writer on his views on the West's rumor-mongering campaign against the Xinjiang region and their anti-China campaign as a whole.
GT: You recently published a new book titled Les Divagations des Antichinois en France (The ramblings of anti-China forces in France). Could you introduce the background of publishing the book?
Vivas: In July 2021, my friend Jean-Pierre Page and I published a collective book, in which we brought together 17 prestigious intellectuals from five continents. The book is called La Chine sans oeillères (China without blinders). It shows that China was not alone and it had friends everywhere who are capable of denouncing the widespread lies in media.
Vivas: In July 2021, my friend Jean-Pierre Page and I published a collective book, in which we brought together 17 prestigious intellectuals from five continents. The book is called La Chine sans oeillères (China without blinders). It shows that China was not alone and it had friends everywhere who are capable of denouncing the widespread lies in media.
Shortly after, a huge report of 654 pages, titled Les opérations d'influences chinoises, un moment machiavelien (Chinese influence operations, a Machiavellian moment) was made by the Strategic Research Institute of the Military School (IRSEM), whose sole target was China.
In addition to the many repetitions, errors, even lies, we find serious contradictions throughout the pages. And then, I was intrigued by the presence of an "associate researcher" in the IRSEM - a senior officer of the US army. Moreover, one of the writers of the IRSEM report had worked for NATO until 2019.
With my friends Jean-Pierre Page and Aymeric Monville, we then decided to write a book in response to this report and we titled it The ramblings of the Anti-China forces in France.
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