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Lembah Pantai MP’s micro-library programme to empower reading among B40 kids

KUALA LUMPUR – Among the countless precious items that were lost in the recent devastating floods were tens of thousands of books. Taking cognisance of this, Lembah Pantai MP Fahmi Fadzil has initiated a plan to set up micro-libraries to empower B40 children in his constituency with reading facilities.

The PKR communications chief said that when the idea is realised in the coming weeks, it will benefit families affected by the floods as well as others who are in need.

He explained that small shelves, each full of books, will be sent to residents through a mobile library book exchange initiative.

“We have representatives in the Lembah Pantai community who will identify needy families with children who are interested in reading and can benefit from this system,” he said.

He was speaking during a ceremony to receive books donated by the Vinod Sekhar Foundation at his office in Lembah Pantai here today.

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