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Covid: Trigger of rare blood clots with AstraZeneca jab found by scientists
[Image: _121794649_gettyimages-1310458105.jpg]

Scientists believe they have found "the trigger" that leads to extremely rare blood clots after the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine.

The team - in Cardiff and the US - have shown in exquisite detail how a protein in the blood is attracted to a key component of the vaccine.

They think this kicks off a chain reaction, involving the immune system, that can culminate in dangerous clots.

The vaccine is thought to have saved about a million lives from Covid.

However, concerns about rare blood clots shaped how the vaccine has been used around the world including an alternative being offered to the under-40s in the UK.

It also started a scientific detective hunt to figure out what was going on and if it could be prevented. The Cardiff team were given emergency government funding to find the answers.

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