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Home ministry slams gates on PH reps with memorandum
[Image: memorandum-A-Ganapathy-and-S-Sivabalan-fmt-1.jpg]

PUTRAJAYA: The home ministry has refused to accept a memorandum from a group of Pakatan Harapan representatives calling for an independent taskforce to investigate the deaths of A Ganapathy and S Sivabalan.

Klang MP Charles Santiago (DAP), Selayang MP William Leong (PKR), Sentosa assemblyman Gunaraj George (PKR), Rawang assemblyman Chua Wei Kiat (PKR) and Taman Templer assemblyman Sany Hamzan (Amanah) waited for more than an hour outside the ministry’s gates after being prevented from entering the compound.

They finally left the copies of their memorandum on the ministry’s gates before leaving.

“We are leaving the memorandum here as a sign of protest,” declared Leong.

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