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Open letter to Tun M: The sands of time have run out on your ambition
Open letter to Tun M: The sands of time have run out on your ambition; let the Madani boys steer ship of state
[Image: Tun-M-Anwar-1-715x632.jpg]
Dear Sir,

YOU held the post of prime minister for a total of 24 years – including your brief comeback – and yet politics is still boiling in your blood. You still feel the irrepressible urge to return to the national stage.

You cannot stop politicking, can you? Now, let’s diagnose what is really troubling you. There must be something niggling at your mind that’s causing you so much unease.

On closer examination we discovered this virus that is wreaking havoc on you. We have no name for this infectious agent but we know it’s quite common among politicians, especially those who couldn’t take it once they lost their grip on power.

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