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Nature, Reality, & Buddhism
Can you explain what that means?


Although you say space is empty,
You can’t say that space is “like this”.
Likewise, although mind is said to be sheer clarity,
There is nothing there: you can’t say “it’s like this”.
Thus, the nature of mind is inherently like space,
It includes everything you experience.

Like this means, the related condition would be hampered under its precondition mindset, just like putting labels on things.  In fact, we should never label anything, because the reality of all things is unimpeded.  Indeed, it is our delusional mind that always tends to manipulate things with myriad labels.  For general understanding, the ultimate reality emerges beyond the mind and beyond concepts and words in the sense that it is beyond our normal ways of perceiving things. 

Language and conception only imply that things exist in distinct ways, namely wise person, dumb person, saint, devil, etc. (in such well-defined and independent categories).  To perceive the ultimate reality is to see that nothing exists in these fantasised, impossible, black and white ways.  In other words, the ultimate reality is such, without label, without attachment, without stereotype, without colour, without beginning, without end, and for the ease of our expression, we could sum it up as the most profound fact on things.

I can’t really understand how everything (the absolute) can be nothing, because the universe is energy to me.  It’s energy because the universe is matter (including us, so there is no “I” or “me”) and all matter is energy according to E = mc2.  Like, I understand how there is no I, no you, no mind, and all are one, but I don’t understand how there can be no consciousness (since you’re conscious as you read this,) no energy, and no perception.  I’m really curious about the logic that leads to that conclusion, though.

Firstly, the burden of phenomena or existence lies with the mind itself.  In other words, things do not exist intrinsically as this or that on their own, without relation to the consciousness which perceives them.  In dependent nature, the mental consciousness is known as the perceiver, whilst the object or matter is known as perception.  And it is the perceiver’s mind, as a non-physical faculty integrating with the five physical faculties, namely, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, that provides the observation and the interpretation; thus, the spawning of conditional phenomena. 

At the same time, absolute truth does not fall within the paradigm of existence.  It springs up beyond the mind and beyond concepts and words in the sense that it goes beyond our normal ways of perceiving things.  Since absolute truth emerges beyond the mental consciousness, then it is clear that there is no subject to provide projections from the other side of objects or matters.  The conclusion is that observable facts or falsehoods must rest with the mind.  Nevertheless, the absolute truth would go beyond the periphery of the mental consciousness.  The following principle applies: -

When there is no arising mind, no phenomenon would arise,
When there is no arising phenomenon, no dependent nature would arise.

How could one co-relate an observable truth with absolute truth?

Let us take a look at the energy elements.  Energy cannot be created and destroyed, and it is constantly changing and evolving.  However, the sum of energies in a system is constant or never changes.  This implies that energy is a variable and constant element at the same time.  All that exists intrinsically will not involve change and created objects cannot exist intrinsically because it will involve change.  Simply put, absolute truth belongs to an inherent nature with a constant factor, and observable truth belongs to a dependent nature with a variable factor.

The observed truth would arise in the context of absolute truth, without exception.  For example, on a weekly calendar, there are iterations from Monday to Sunday ad infinitum.  In this case, the observable fact that appears on a specific label is Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, and so on.  Simultaneously, the absolute fact would be called the flow of spacetime a.k.a. the process of becoming.  However, it is inappropriate to label the process of becoming either like this or like that because it has no beginning and no end in nature.

Moreover, it is impossible to measure the process of becoming unless one manipulates it in an observer mode, namely to grasp things with labels such as last Monday, next Tuesday, 3.25 pm, Friday 13th, 2020, etc.  And the process of becoming observed varies with different observers under fluctuating vibrational frequencies, for instance, different planes of existence.  Ultimately, we could simply acknowledge that every day, every week, or every year would be different.  Indeed, in a blink of an eye, all events or phenomena observed by our mental consciousness would fluctuate, and be renewed simultaneously and continuously.

Is the absolute truth also everything?  Or otherwise, asked: Am I, you, all living beings, the physical world, all the energy of the universe, consciousness, and everything actually what can be defined as the absolute truth?  If it is all one and there is no duality, then I think that only the terminology changes, and that it would be the same to say “absolute truth” and “all the energy of the universe”.

Everything we see is a perspective.  Perception is a reality created by the mental consciousness.  Any definitions or interpretations given by the perception of the mind would belong to the same category of created truth.  So, whether the absolute truth is like this or like that depends on the respective observers.  Likewise, if you think, “This is what I am, then I am”, or “If you see that is what I am, then I am”.  The bottom line is that the findings are only two sides of the same coin.  All experiences and perceptions are said to fall into the field of mental consciousness.

Fear, pleasure, pain and such all serve the purpose to improve our odds to survive; not to listen to them would be putting oneself in danger.  What do you think about it?

Life doesn’t have a real purpose.  If things are made to be, they shall be, and vice versa.  The applicable principle: -

This arising, that arises; this ceasing, that ceases. 

Ultimately, we are nothing more than manipulations of our own mental consciousness.

What and where is the unconscious?

Imagine this:  When a flame goes out, that doesn’t mean it’s over.  It just means the chain reaction comes to a halt and the fire goes away.  However, the ambient temperature (heat) remains temporary, but below the flash point of the fuel/oxidiser mixture and waiting for all the correct elements in place and proportions.  The applicable principle: -

This arising, that arises; this ceasing, that ceases. 

Why is there something rather than nothing?

The absolute truth is that all things would fall either in the realm of something or no-thing.  That’s all there is to it.  Ultimately, there is always something within the realm of something and there is still nothing within the realm of nothing.  So, what are you in now?

God is pure awareness.  Is it really God?  Did I meet my God?  But, I thought it was just a normal part of the human mind.

For someone who believes in the existence of God as the creator and ruler of the world or universe, all existence in the cosmos would arise and fall into the realm of God.  This means that all beings or things are the essential constituents of God and hence, as humans, we may also be known as namesake gods.  Likewise:

Had you been born in the Kingdom of Great Britain,
you would be known as a Briton;
Had you been born in the Kingdom of Spain,
you would be known as a Spanish;
Had you been born in the Kingdom of France,
you would be known as a French.

Is there time for bodhisattvas?

What does time mean?  Time is a dimension or just a measurement of the process of becoming.  This means that time alone is created by the mind and as a result it is subjective rather than objective in its orientation nature.  Becoming is about existing and existing is about becoming.  As a result, time still exists for bodhisattvas before advancing to nibbāna.  In other words, nibbāna doesn’t exist because there isn’t a process of becoming.

Now to my point, or what I am struggling with.  I feel like by letting go of the ego, attachments, and seeking pure awareness.  I am inching closer to nihilism where nothing matters and everything is ultimately meaningless.  This is not a place where I want to be.  I hope I can get some help with this struggle.  I’m coming from a “personal” experience of trying to follow Buddhist precepts, not one of trying to logic chop or be overly philosophical. 

The road to liberation may be simplified and straightforward.  All you need is just to appreciate it and try it without hesitation.  Be ready and brace yourself for your mental transformation.  This involves observing without identifying with thoughts.  And the systemic migration from identifying thoughts to observing is known as the progressive transformation of mentality into a Buddha-nature.  Simply put, it means that your flow of mind should be in a steady state all the time.  Yes, equanimity is the cure you need all of this time.  Benefit from your liberation immediately!

If God is “you” and you only speak for yourself, how do you explain prayers that are answered with the results happening outside of your individual control?

Everything in the cosmos is composed of no more than energy.  Energy is just a term to describe a capacity to do things and is commonly measured as frequency.  On the other hand, frequency is the speed at which something happens within a given period of time.  For someone who believes in the existence of God as the creator and ruler of the world or universe, all existence in the cosmos would arise and fall into the realm of God.  This means that all beings or things are the essential constituents of God and hence, as humans, we may also be known as namesake gods.  In fact, God is a subject of reverence for most of the confessions found in this world and is placed at a level of existence superior to that of the human world.

However, the gods would only exist in the field of energy.  This means that the difference between gods and humans is simply their varying vibrational frequencies. The gods would ascend into the realm of the higher frequency with the shorter wavelength, whilst humans would rise in the kingdom of the lower frequency with the longer wavelength than god.  Generally, beings with the higher vibrational frequencies of another plane of existence would have the capacity to impinge on the innate human mind consciousness.  A doorway or so-called wormhole is seen as necessary to initiate spiritual communication and is embedded in the innate mental consciousness of the human being in itself.

In other words, a wormhole is literally a crossroads for different planes of existence.  Basically, there are different levels of vibrational states of being and a journey through time between different planes of existence is seen as possible by a wormhole.  However, the basic rule is that any beings with higher vibrational frequencies would discern other beings with lower vibrational frequencies and not the reverse.  This means that the object or matter must transpire within the frequency horizon of the subject; without it, it would be impossible to observe.  For example, a journey through time could happen in the human plane via a frequency tweak which is commonly observed in trance mediumship.  Again, the difference between gods and humans lies simply in their varying vibrational frequencies, just as energy and matter are but two aspects of the same thing.

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Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-09-2022, 06:13 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-10-2022, 02:26 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-08-2023, 09:45 AM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-08-2023, 10:47 AM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-08-2023, 11:54 AM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-08-2023, 01:19 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-08-2023, 02:21 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-09-2023, 09:31 AM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-09-2023, 10:33 AM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-09-2023, 05:14 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-11-2023, 11:50 AM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-11-2023, 11:58 AM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-11-2023, 05:16 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-15-2023, 04:47 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-22-2023, 02:46 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-24-2023, 11:13 AM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-25-2023, 01:51 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-25-2023, 05:51 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-29-2023, 05:42 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-29-2023, 05:44 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-30-2023, 04:38 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-30-2023, 04:41 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-31-2023, 09:29 PM
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RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 06-10-2023, 01:10 PM
RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 06-16-2023, 10:26 AM
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RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - by takso - 05-12-2024, 03:16 PM

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