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‘Psywar or real threat, take Hadi’s words on govt collapse seriously’
[Image: 09112022_-_Abdul_Hadi_Awang_-_SAIRIEN_NAFIS-01.JPG]

KUALA LUMPUR – What appears to be a veiled threat by Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang about the government potentially collapsing has raised the question of whether this is part of a larger psywar by the opposition – or if something more sinister is at play.

While Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has brushed the matter off by claiming the PAS president was being delirious, Hadi’s comment has raised alarm bells among many social media users.

The main concern is if Perikatan Nasional (PN) leaders may in fact be involved in any backroom dealings with MPs from component parties of the unity government to take control of Putrajaya.

For political observers, leaders of the ruling coalition would do well to take cognisance of Hadi’s remark.

After all, it was the failure of recent past prime ministers to recognise and act seriously against similar portents of a potential coup that eventually led to their ousters.

Singapore Institute of International Affairs senior fellow Oh Ei Sun opined that Hadi’s recent statement might be a combination of an attempt at psychological warfare and an insinuation of what could happen.

Speaking to The Vibes, the academic said there is nothing unusual about a rival party attempting to “dethrone” a sitting government.

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‘Psywar or real threat, take Hadi’s words on govt collapse seriously’ - by superadmin - 03-05-2023, 01:44 PM

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