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No chance for Pejuang in Sabah, say analysts
[Image: mukhriz-pejuang-fb-sabah-300422.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Pejuang will have no fighting chance in Sabah if it contests there at the next general election, say two political analysts.

Oh Ei Sun of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs said race-based parties have no appeal in Sabah as most Sabahans have family members from different ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs.

“But if such parties are in a position to ‘disburse resources’, then that overwhelmingly supersedes that aversion against race-based parties,” he told FMT.

He added that many Sabahans still blamed Mahathir for Project IC, a term used to describe the alleged systematic granting of citizenship to migrants by giving them identification cards in the 1990s.

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No chance for Pejuang in Sabah, say analysts - by superadmin - 04-30-2022, 09:49 AM

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