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Muda gives PKR until weekend to back down from contesting 20 seats for Johor polls
[Image: 26092020-SBH-election-vote-voting-SPR-ER..._Nafis.jpg]

KUALA LUMPUR – The spat over seat negotiations for Johor continues as Muda will not hesitate to clash with PKR, giving the Pakatan Harapan component party until this weekend to back down from contesting in 20 constituencies as announced.

The youth-led party, in facing its inaugural election, said it has held several official talks with PKR leadership but yet the party ended negotiations when it decided to contest in 20 seats.

“Despite that, Muda has conveyed to DAP and Amanah its intentions to avoid seat clashes with PKR and that it is open to continuing talks.

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Muda gives PKR until weekend to back down from contesting 20 seats for Johor polls - by superadmin - 02-18-2022, 09:45 AM

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