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‘Recycled’ Cabinet line-up is disappointing, says Anwar
[Image: 3_ANWAR_IBRAHIM_FMT_14082021.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has called the new Cabinet a “recycled line-up with ministers who had failed to perform in the last 1.5 years being reappointed”.

“It is disappointing. We had hoped for changes but it did not happen,” he said in his Facebook live.

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob had earlier this morning announced the new Cabinet line-up.

Anwar, the Port Dickson MP, said the reaction to the line-up had shown it is a disappointing one and that a more effective line-up is needed to battle the ongoing health and economic crises.

He added that the prime minister has given the ministers 100 days to prove their worth but “there has been no changes for the past one and a half years”.

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‘Recycled’ Cabinet line-up is disappointing, says Anwar - by superadmin - 08-27-2021, 06:19 PM

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