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Alarming lack of transparency in Selangor state govt’s award of multi-billion project
“Selangor should just cancel transit system project awarded to company of Hannah Yeoh’s hubby”
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Letter to editor

I AGREE with Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) that the Selangor state government and some related federal agencies should not have awarded the transport related project to two companies on the basis of negotiations. An open tender system should have been opted for.

The CEO of the controversial company Asian Mobility Technologies Sdn Bhd, Ramachandran Muniandy, happens to be the husband of the Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh. The other company awarded the project is the Badan Bas Coach Sdn Bhd.

I don’t understand why the Selangor state government with the approval of the relevant federal bodies did not call for an open tender in the award of the project to these companies. An open tender system – the mantra of the Madani government – would have rendered the awarding of the project transparent, competitive and free from cronyism and favouritism.

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RE: Alarming lack of transparency in Selangor state govt’s award of multi-billion project - by superadmin - 05-29-2024, 11:47 AM

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