You Are Not Alone
Humans are regarded as one of the most favourable forms of existence out of the infinite possibilities in the cosmos. Our physical body is a manifestation of consciousness, and the mind is the precursor to all things and matters. To be able to discern, all observed objects or matters must be reflected in the group's consciousness traits. This encompasses all the projections and reflections of the mental consciousness in question. Let's take a look at the illustrations below:
Generally, consciousness is a synergy that can develop and penetrate simultaneously through all relevant planes of existence. It is akin to an electrical impulse in our heart system whereby the electrical signal travels through the network of conducting cells or pathways that stimulate the upper chambers and the lower chambers to contract until the entire heart contracts in one coordinated motion. This means that consciousness is pivotal to the prevalence of parallel existences in Mother Nature, such as the testimony of ghosts or spirits, as well as extraterrestrials by certain individuals.
All the various planes of existence are the final result of polarity in the traits of consciousness that orient in the fluctuating vibrational frequencies. Just like the appearance of a music rhythm billboard, there are variations and conditioned relationships in consciousness among beings. It is due to the memory aspects of the mind which serve as a precursor of the heritability of consciousness-bearing features. Ultimately, the extent of the object’s frequency must be within the scope of the subject’s frequency horizon; without it, observation would not be possible. Let's take a look at the illustrations below:
In the present dynamism, the mental consciousness is known as the perceiver, while the object or matter is known as perception. Essentially, it is the perceiver’s mind, as a non-physical faculty integrating into the five physical faculties, namely eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, that provides observation and interpretation; as a result, the emergence of conditional phenomena. If the vibratory frequencies of the perceiver are lower than the perception, the cascading events are regarded as impossible.
The Realm Of Present Dynamism
All things would exist under the present dynamism simultaneously. The projectile temporal movement discernible by our mental consciousness is purely due to relativity, because of the varying vibratory frequencies. Consequently, we often instill the habit of building narratives from a series of linear events; thus, the creation of time-shifting delusions, according to the past, the present, and the future. Generally speaking, conventional time is subjective-cum-relative, namely, it relies on the mind of the observer to feed the assessment on the other side of the object or matter. In the end, the overall episode varies depending on the different observers or minds. The applicable principle: -
Present dynamism = Frequency x Becoming (Space x Time)
In the present dynamism, a higher vibratory frequency would cause a process to become slower and vice versa. For instance, in relative terms, the experience of a second in a heavenly plane with superior vibrational frequencies is equal to 10 years for the human domain with weaker vibrational frequencies. In the same way as the gravitational effects on the earth for all the different masses are the same (acceleration value, g = 9.80 m/s2) although the rock hits the ground before the feather itself. Let’s review the illustrations below: -
Plane Of Existence
1. Plane X (1-hour) 2. Plane Y (10-day) 3. Plane Z (30-day)
Frequency Band
1. Plane X = Extremely High Frequency (EHF); Range = 30 to 300 GHz,
2. Plane Y = Ultra High Frequency (UHF); Range = 300 to 3,000 MHz,
3. Plane Z = Very High Frequency (VHF); Range = 0 to 300 MHz.
Timeline (Process Of Becoming)
1 hour in Plane X = 10 days in Plane Y = 30 days in Plane Z
Note: Comparatively, the clock would appear to be ticking faster in Plane Z than in both Plane Y and Plane X. This is because a higher vibration frequency would cause a process to get slower.
Observation Of Events
1. Individual X --> Plane X = will experience,
2. Individual Y --> Plane Y = will experience,
3. Individual Z --> Plane Z = will experience.
Note: Individual X, Individual Y, and Individual Z are the so-called “same-natured” or interconnected beings on various planes of existence, but still within the same group consciousness traits.
Time Travel (Observation)
1. Individual X --> Plane Y and/or Plane Z = have experienced,
2. Individual Y --> Plane Z = have experienced.
Note: The scope of the object’s frequency should be within the subject’s frequency horizon field; without it, observation would never be possible. If the perceiver’s vibrational frequencies are lower than the perception, then cascading events are considered impossible.
One thing is certain: you are not alone in the infinite universes. If your prayers are answered, it's probably a wish granted by the same-natured “you” in another dimension, not by those who are not related. To comprehend a wider range of existences, it is necessary to increase the vibrational frequencies of mental consciousness. It's similar to being positioned at the top of a mountain to observe all the things or events below. Once again, the changes you make to your mental frequencies determine your future.