The Realm of Relativity
The world we inhabit is dependent and empty, with no exceptions. This implies that there is no essence and that everything has never been in its own quality, resulting in nothing being permanent or immutable. They are only present in relation to each other as appearances that vary depending on the viewers' perceptions.
According to Einstein, time and space are not fixed, which forms the foundation of the concept of relativity in physics. When it comes to relativity, things are only significant when they are compared to others. At times, we may question our identity, which is to say, “Who am I truly?” Perhaps the most straightforward answer would be: “I am who I am”. The applicable principle: “If you think this is who I am, then I am”, and “If you know this is what I am, then I am”.
So, the saying goes: -
For the Master, I am a Servant,
For the Teacher, I am a Student,
For the Buddha, I am Empty.
In the context of relativity, there are no absolutes. This means the best of the best isn't necessarily the best. Like the Chinese saying, “Beyond mountain/mountains there is/are mountain/mountains” or “There is always a mountain higher than this one”. The moral of the story is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Be proud of the progress you've made. Put your trust in your abilities and make sure to enjoy the journey.