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The Israel Gaza conflict: What is the solution?
Israel’s actions give Palestinians a new sense of power
There was a time when I used to admire the resourcefulness of Israelis, underdogs fighting for their survival against their many enemies. Those were the days when it was truly a fight for their existence.

But those days are long gone. Israel is now the biggest military power in the Middle East and has cowed or made peace with many of its former enemies.

Any argument that says Israel is fighting for its survival is bogus and disingenuous. They have as much to worry about their survival as Russia has to worry about being wiped out by the West, yet another bogus and disingenuous argument.

Are there people who would like to see Israel destroyed? Of course, but this isn’t the official or even unofficial position of many of its neighbours, who have mostly decided to live and let live.

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RE: The Israel Gaza conflict: What is the solution? - by superadmin - 10-16-2023, 11:12 AM

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