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Working with Umno good for DAP’s Malay image, says analyst - Printable Version

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Working with Umno good for DAP’s Malay image, says analyst - superadmin - 10-13-2020

PETALING JAYA: A political analyst says DAP’s image among Malay voters and their perception of the party, could improve if the party agrees to work with Umno under a government led by PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

Awang Azman Pawi of Universiti Malaya said Anwar was a leader who seemed capable of negotiating a form of political inclusiveness, adding that Malaysia’s politics should no longer be centred on ethnicity or religion but on nationality.

“If DAP rejects working with Umno (under an Anwar-led government), then it will give the wrong perception to the Malay people and the Malay royal institution. DAP must avoid sending the message or perception that DAP cannot tolerate a Malay-Muslim government led by Anwar,” he told FMT.

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