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Umno to field Ismail Sabri as PM candidate in GE15 - Printable Version

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Umno to field Ismail Sabri as PM candidate in GE15 - superadmin - 04-14-2022

[Image: Ismail-Sabri-FMT.jpg]

KUALA LUMPUR – Umno will be fielding Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob as the prime ministerial candidate for the upcoming elections (GE15).

Its secretary-general Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan said in a statement that the party’s Supreme Council had made the decision unanimously. – The Vibes, April 14, 2022

RE: Umno to field Ismail Sabri as PM candidate in GE15 - superadmin - 04-15-2022

No guarantee Ismail will be PM despite Umno’s proposal, says Tajuddin

[Image: tajuddin-abdul-rahman-fmt-140422-1.jpg]

KUALA LUMPUR: There is no guarantee that Ismail Sabri Yaakob will continue as prime minister despite Umno’s proposal for the party vice-president to lead the government going into the next general election (GE15).

Umno Supreme Council member Tajuddin Abdul Rahman said anything can happen. He then cited the Johor state elections last month, when Hasni Mohammad ended up not becoming the state’s menteri besar after having been named as such by Barisan Nasional (BN) during the election campaign.

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RE: Umno to field Ismail Sabri as PM candidate in GE15 - superadmin - 04-15-2022

Umno’s hands were tied, had to name Ismail as PM candidate, say analysts

[Image: azmi-hassan.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: Umno had little choice but to propose vice-president Ismail Sabri Yaakob as its candidate for prime minister for the 15th general election (GE15), with two analysts agreeing that the party had its “hands tied” over the matter.

Akademi Nusantara senior fellow (strategic research) Azmi Hassan said that in terms of the party’s strategy, the Umno Supreme Council’s decision yesterday to name Ismail as its prime ministerial candidate came as no surprise.

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RE: Umno to field Ismail Sabri as PM candidate in GE15 - superadmin - 04-16-2022

Naming Ismail Sabri as PM candidate Umno’s gambit aimed at unity and wooing voters wanting ‘stability’, analysts suggest

[Image: 0603_FW1227225_PRNJ07_06032022_PM-lpr.jpg]

KUALA LUMPUR, April 16 ― Umno’s decision to name its vice-president Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob as its sole prime minister candidate is meant to contain factional tension within the party and avoid alienating voters wary of political instability, according to political analysts.

Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid of Universiti Sains Malaysia suggested Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi wants to avoid any situation that could push Ismail Sabri to delay dissolving parliament. As prime minister, Ismail Sabri also holds tremendous influence that he could use to turn Umno against Zahid.

“It's a bait for Ismail Sabri to agree to a dissolution of Parliament as per the court cluster's prodding to go for the general election as soon as possible, when Umno is perhaps in its strongest position since the 14th general election,” he said.

“Umno is simply signalling to the public that it's okay with continuity and stability, which is what the present Agong had asked for from Ismail Sabri in August 2021.”

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RE: Umno to field Ismail Sabri as PM candidate in GE15 - superadmin - 04-17-2022

Umno wants GE15 after July 31, says Bung

[Image: bung-moktar-radin-bernama-160422-1.jpg]

KOTA KINABALU: Umno wants the general election to be held this year so that it can obtain a fresh mandate to form a solid government, said Sabah Umno chief Bung Moktar Radin.

Bung, who is also an Umno Supreme Council member, said a new mandate from the people was needed as the current government was only formed on the understanding that it was mainly to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said Umno and Barisan Nasional leaders have already taken a stand not to extend the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s government and Pakatan Harapan, which expires on July 31.

The decision against the extension was an obvious signal that Umno and BN wanted the general election this year, he said.

“Umno is of the opinion that the general election must be held some time after the MoU ends. I’m not sure when but definitely this year,” he told reporters, after a buka puasa event here today.

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