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Do Malays not consider graft a problem, asks media boss - Printable Version

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Do Malays not consider graft a problem, asks media boss - superadmin - 04-06-2021


PETALING JAYA: Karangkraf Media Group chairman Hussamuddin Yaacub has called out a lack of coverage by the Malay-language media of Rasuah Busters, an anti-graft movement that he heads.

In a tweet, Hussamuddin said he found it odd that only vernacular and English-language newspapers and news portals gave the movement extensive coverage.

“Do Malays not consider corruption a huge problem?” he said, adding that Sinar Harian was the only Malay daily that covered a press conference yesterday about Rasuah Busters. (The event was also covered by FMT’s Bahasa Malaysia section which reported him as saying the movement was non-political.)

His tweet comes a day after the movement announced its line-up of its “core team” comprising 15 voluntary independent bodies from various backgrounds.

They included former PPBM leader Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff, businessman Anas Zubedy and former reporter G Manimaran.

The movement aims to tackle all forms of corruption, including extortion, cronyism, nepotism and embezzlement.

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