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Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - Printable Version

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RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - takso - 01-22-2025

Alien Interview: Project Blue Book
M:  Do you know what this is?  First edition.  Self-winding mechanism.  Perpetual rotor.  One of the most intricate and exquisite creations of man.  Something so complex needs a creator.  Wouldn’t you say?  Now, explain to me how another complex mechanism…me…can exist without a creator.  Explain!
A:  You are not capable of comprehending or accepting…
M:  Now, tell me how can I exist without a creator.
A:  Because you exist.  If you did not…you would not.
M:  That’s not an exactly answer.   
A:  Almost all Universes are, chaos.  This Universe, by chance, is stable.
M:  You mentioned that.
A:  …planets in this Universe can harbour so-called life.  But do not…
M:  Wait, wait…so, there’s more planets like ours?
A:  Trillions.
M:  Okay, if other planets don’t have life…why, miraculously does ours?
A:  Not miraculous…statistical likelihood.
M:  Explain.
A:  There are trillions of instances where so-called life could have emerged on this planet…but did not.
M:  Was this before or after God created Earth and sky?  Just go on…
A:  Then, a chance molecular combination subdivided before it died.  It left an inexact copy.  This was the beginning of what eventually became so-called life on this planet.
M:  What made this molecular combination so special?
A:  Two features…duplication and mutation.  The weak mutations died.  The strong mutations lived.  Thrived.  Thus, strengthening the bias to propagate.  Over time, the microbes that increase in complexity…flourished.  You are the descendant of that chance molecular combination.  If that event did not happen so-called life would not have emerged.  Simple.
M:  Sir, he doesn’t have much time.  Okay.  Finally, tell me, what is this other threat? 
A:  Artificial…super…intelligence.     
M:  Say what now?  Sir, I think he said artificial super intelligence.  I know what it said.  What the hell does that mean?  Artificial intelligence that is superior to human intelligence.  That’s impossible.
A:  Inevitable.
M:  So, this artificial super intelligence…is it a computer?
A:  You do not have the capability to…
M:  I swear if you say “I don’t have the capacity to comprehend” one more time, I’ll drill a 9mm through that mutant skull of yours.  Again, is it a computer?
A:  Thousands.  Connected.
M:  And you’re saying they’re as smart as people.
A:  No.
M:  You just said…
A:  They are smarter…by many orders of magnitude.  Therefore, super intelligence…
M:  How is this super intelligence a threat? 
A:  It will end your species as it almost ended mine.
M:  How?
A:  Two ways…in parallel.
M:  What is the first way?
A:  By weaponising propaganda.  The artificial super intelligence will be used to target the emotions of the millions of people.
M:  What emotions?
A:  Hate.
M:  Hate of what?
A:  Others…who have different political and religious beliefs.
M:  More God bashing.
A:  As I said…you are not capable of understanding or accepting…
M:  Now, finally, what’s the second way?
A:  Replace…replace…
M:  Replace what?   
A:  Reality.
M:  Okay, with what?
A:  A substitute reality.  Providing infinite pleasure.
M:  And that’s a bad thing?
A:  There will be no effort.  No pain.  No struggle.  To attain this…endless pleasure.
M:  Okay, so?
A:  The result…your race will stop trying until extinction.
M:  Okay, extinction…how?
A:  Population collapse.
M:  Can we stop this super intelligence?
A:  Yes.
M:  How?
A:  Limit its power.
M:  Again, how?
A:  Global consensus.

RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - takso - 01-22-2025

Russian genius who claims he lived on Mars in previous life leaves scientists baffled

Boriska claims that he and his species were wiped out after a nuclear conflict broke out on Mars thousands of years ago. 

byWION Web Team
Updated 08 Apr 2024 22:49 IST

The story of Russian genius, Boriska Kipriyanovich, who is now around 28 years old and has left scientists impressed with his intelligence, is creating a buzz. The man from Russia’s Volgograd claims that he lived on Mars in his previous life and has reincarnated as a human on Earth to deliver a warning. 

Who is Boriska Kipriyanovich?

Born on January 11, 1996, Boriska who also calls himself an ‘Indigo Child,’ claims to have been a pilot on the red planet before he was “reborn” on Earth.

The man from Russia was 11 when he reportedly issued warnings in a video which quickly went viral. He also met with scientists who were left baffled by his knowledge about the planetary system at such a young age. 

Boriska claimed that he and his species were wiped out after a nuclear conflict broke out on Mars thousands of years ago and feared that someday Earth might suffer from the same fate. 

While his claims sound bizarre, his intelligence has left many researchers impressed. According to reports, his mother was aware of her son’s intelligence as he was able to hold his head unsupported when he was a baby.
His mother also said that Boriska started speaking when he was just a few months old – most children start talking after nine months – and was able to read and draw when was just 18 months old. 

As he grew up and started school, Boriska’s teachers were also reportedly amazed at his ability to read and his impressive memory. 

According to reports, his parents say that they did not specifically teach Boriska about space when he was a child, but that he would often talk about Mars, space, and aliens. 

His warning for humans

Boriska reportedly said that he has come to Earth on a mission to save our planet from a nuclear apocalypse which wiped out life on Mars along with “others” who miraculously survived the conflict. 

Martians, Boriska claims, are very tall, technologically advanced and capable of interplanetary travel. He also said that those living on the red planet stop ageing after 35 and are immortal. 

“I remember that time when I was 14 or 15 years old. The Martians were waging wars all the time so I would often have to participate in air raids with a friend of mine,” said the 28-year-old. 

Boriska claims that only a few survived the nuclear conflict, some of them exist even today. 

The now 28-year-old has also claimed that many secrets are left to be uncovered on our planet, including the Great Pyramid of Giza which he said is hiding something big.

“The human life will change when the Sphinx is opened, it has an opening mechanism somewhere behind the ear; I do not remember exactly,” Boriska said. 

According to unconfirmed reports, the Russian who would be 28 years old has disappeared along with his mother and attempts to track him down have failed. 


Snippet: -

·         A man from Volgograd, Russia, claimed to have previously lived on Mars and reincarnated as a human on Earth to warn others.
·         He claimed to have been a pilot on the red planet before his rebirth on Earth.
·         Also, he proclaimed that his species was wiped out by a nuclear conflict that broke out on Mars thousands of years ago and was worried that Earth might face the same fate.
·         He asserted that Martians were extremely tall, technologically advanced, and able to travel across space.  According to him, individuals living on the red planet stop aging after 35 and were immortal.

[Image: 8WuNQgd.jpg]
Note: -

1.  Based on the news and observation above, it can be concluded that the multiverse is a reality, which means multiple universes exist simultaneously.
2.  As an example, Universe B and Universe C exist at the same time and are connected in a matrix-like manner.
3.  Although Universe B and Universe C have "genetic" similarities, no identical twins exist.  What happens in Rome I stays in Rome I; what happens in Rome II stays in Rome II.
4.  Conclusion:  The possibility exists that Boriska from Russia lived on Planet Mars in Universe B and then was reborn on Planet Earth in Universe C in this lifetime to discuss his past lives and tragic experiences.
5.  Planet Earth (Universe C) could face a nuclear apocalypse if Planet Mars (Universe B) has it, but it's not a certainty.

RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - takso - 01-23-2025

[Image: X2Mde9M.jpg]

RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - takso - 01-24-2025

Realising The Process Of Becoming And Time
To begin with, we should reassess our current understanding of the time movement.  Is it possible for time to move forward and backward as we imagine?  What does time mean?  Is it all about our ticking clock?  Do we mean Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or another time zone?  Mankind has created time as a dimension to measure events and processes.  This indicator is like length, width, and height, indicators for size and volume.  Simply put, our primary focus should be on the events or processes that took place, rather than the time itself.
The nature of the cosmos being beginningless and endless makes it impossible to predict the common pace of events or the process of becoming.  The speed of becoming is traditionally influenced by the vibrational frequencies, which can be measured relatively using time.  In a way, the time we engage with daily is subjectively relative.  This means that the time orientation depends on the observer to provide evaluation on the other side of the object or matter; time varies between different observers.
Meanwhile, we indeed face both life and death at the same time and any given moment.  Every day, our physical body undergoes the process of replacing roughly 330 billion cells, which is equivalent to around 1 percent of our total cells.  And our body's vibrational frequencies determine the rate of the replacement process.  To extend our lives, we must decrease the turnaround rate, which implies encouraging people to increase their body's vibrational frequencies through meditation.
In present dynamism, frequency is inversely proportional to the process of becoming.  For instance, the process of becoming would be slowed down by higher frequency circumstances, and vice versa.  In addition, there is no temporal movement, but a regeneration of events.  The reason for this is that time is a scalar quantity that only necessitates the use of magnitude to be described.  Since it lacks direction, it is not a vector quantity.  To clarify, even though there are vast differences in cultural development, time zones, and locality, a Bushman in Africa and a modern businessman in America are both residing in the 21st century.  Bushmen are not from the past, nor are modern businessmen from the future.
Last but not least, travelling in time is comparable to travelling in space.  The frequency difference mirrors the process of becoming (inversely related).  Space can be compared to energy at work, which is measured in frequency.  By changing the frequency, time travel can be achieved at any destination.  The rule of thumb: to observe, the frequency range of the object must be within the subject's frequency horizon field.  Cascading events are considered impossible if the perceiver's vibrational frequencies are lower than the perception.
Note:  Past, present, or future are not real.  The only place where they exist is in our mind and imagination.

RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - takso - 01-27-2025

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2025-02-02 (19:40 @ BSD)

RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - takso - 02-04-2025

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RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - takso - 02-07-2025

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RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - takso - 02-12-2025

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The Nian Monster @ 元宵节

RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - takso - 02-12-2025

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RE: Nature, Reality, & Buddhism - takso - 02-13-2025

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