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Full Version: The Current Geopolitical Landscape and India's Role
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In today's international political landscape, India finds itself in a precarious position, much like Abhimanyu in the Mahabharata, surrounded by hostile forces. Neighboring countries like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, governed by non-secular regimes, seem to be aligning against us. Despite India's long-standing policy of maintaining peaceful relations, exemplified by the Panchsheel principles, the situation has drastically changed. Religion has overtaken politics, leading to heightened tensions.

Political news highlights how even Bangladesh, once our ally, now views us with suspicion. The hostility towards Hindus in Bangladesh is alarming, with targeted attacks and persecution driving them to seek refuge in India. This scenario is even more surprising given that just five decades ago, Bangladesh's secular leader, Mujibur Rahman, was a beacon of peace.

Given the gravity of the situation, India must shed its passive role and actively work towards restoring peace in the region, potentially averting a global conflict.