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Full Version: Sungai Bakap and a Malaysia without Anwar
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When the Sungai Bakap by-election was announced, I thought it would be a great opportunity for the unity government to hone a strong narrative for Malaysia. The constituency was in Penang, a DAP stronghold, while the federal government holds many aces up its sleeve.

I thought PKR, with Umno’s help, would pull through with a slim majority.

However, there were two caveats to this scenario. Firstly, the non-Malays would have to actually come out in strength to vote, and, secondly, they would still support Pakatan Harapan.

There was never a doubt in my mind that the Malay votes were still with Perikatan Nasional.

Malays are an easy lot to figure out. A rise in the price of nasi lemak and they would change the government! Place bottles of alcohol in the middle of a mall and governments would fall. Senang saja.

The Chinese are a bit different. If you disrespect their vernacular education, like how PAS blundered in Kuala Kubu Baharu, they will come out in droves to send a clear message.

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