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Full Version: Air pollution is a serious problem!!!
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Air pollution is a serious problem in many cities around the world. It happens when harmful substances like smoke and chemicals fill the air we breathe.
This can happen from cars, factories and burning trash. Air pollution can make people sick, especially those with breathing problems like asthma.
One way to help reduce air pollution is by using cleaner sources of energy, like wind and solar power.
Another way is to use public transportation or ride bikes instead of driving cars. Planting more trees can also help because they absorb pollution and provide oxygen.
It's important for everyone to work together to reduce air pollution so that we can all have clean and healthy air to breathe.
Burning trash

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Let's talk about vegas to antelope canyon tour.
Well you are absolutely right. Pollution is harmful to health. But people do not understand these things. People wear factory smoke and water in the river and air. Due to this heavy pollution is spread. That's why I travel some way or the other to avoid these things, that too to see the beautiful view of nature which makes me relax.