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My hobbies Hiking, Camping, painting, and Sports. New York is very wonderful and attractive city. My favorite places in this city like: Central Park, Statue of Liberty, Time Square,  Museum Of Modern Art and Broadway. But I will plan to visit again and again in Time Square. By the way, What is your favorite attraction in this city? I'm waiting for your response fast.

I wanna go to enjoy all tours las vegas.
Good to know reading about your hobbies I like all the activities but I love to go on traveling. If we talk about my favorite attraction, I visit different places in NYC but my favorite attraction is Central Park. Five months ago I enjoyed my tour of this spot and it is a National Historic Landmark and a Scenic Landscape of the City of New York. Tourists bring the whole family for free and love to enjoy kid-friendly activities there. By the way, have you experienced this place with kids?
Central Park is no doubt a beautiful location on the map of the USA. This is a world-famous spot where visitors like to go with family members and have a great time by enjoying outdoor activities. Spending time with pets or reading books there are my all-time favorite ventures. Let me know what do you like to say regarding these activities?
Well, I am happy to see your fast reply. Last year I visited in this city with my all family members. There were are the best days in my life. Yes Alesya, I have visited this place with nephew. He was very happy to see this park. Anyway Shaina, your suggestion is not bad. Will definitely try this activity next time I visit the city.