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[Image: shankar-r-santhiram-columnist-new-170321-1.jpg]

What happens when the people of a community want to retain their current representative, but the political party “grandees” have other plans to fill the seats with so-called “new faces” and “young-blood.”

This seems to be the DAP conundrum.

In its flagship state of Penang, there are rumours circulating that some of the old stalwarts are going to be unseated. These are the people who helped shape the policies around a more inclusive state in the last three terms, after years of BN rule.

But voters want these accomplished leaders who have served them well to continue.

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Penang DAP, PKR to shake up candidate lists, says source

GEORGE TOWN: The final list of DAP candidates for the state elections in Penang is expected to be ready by Sunday, according to sources in the party.

They said that seven legislators will be dropped as part of a “generational renewal” plan.

“All this will be finalised on Sunday. Nothing is set in stone yet as discussions are still ongoing,” the source told FMT, but refused to confirm rumours that some “key personalities” are among the seven to be dropped.

Meanwhile, Penang PKR is also expected to undergo a spring cleaning, with more than half of its candidates likely to be fresh faces.

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