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FranklySpeaking: Clause 4 b) of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) appears to be unconstitutional and a formula for ‘dictatorship’ to some people.

If individual MPs in the many political parties that form the unity government are genuinely concerned about their absolute freedom to vote and have decided not to vote or support the “dictator” prime minister, these MPs have the option to resign, and vacate their seats and trigger a by-election.

These MPs should not cling on to their party as members, waiting mischievously for the party to expel them so that they can keep their parliamentary seats.

Unfortunately, such dishonourable MPs exist in all political parties and these MPs do not toe the party line for their own interests yet refuse to resign. To add salt to injury, they continue to reason that it is “unconstitutional” and that their party leaders are “dictators”.

These are the political frogs that the nation can live without, their continued existence threatens political stability, and give parliamentary democracy a bad name. Consequently, the people suffer as the country continues to be trapped in a vicious cycle of political betrayal.

On the other hand, there are so many upsides with regard to the shared goals declared in the MOA. The 18-point intent as detailed in Clause 2 b) of the MOA is too big to be trivialised or ignored. The glass is almost full, but some choose to see that the glass is not completely full. Shame on them!

Hopeful123: Tough times call for tough actions. Dictatorship you may call it. With the current political situation in our beloved country, what do you think is the best option? Democracy is not a bad idea. In fact, it was mooted with all good intentions.

Correctly practised democracy works well but then the majority of the population was deliberately misled by the leaders to ensure that their position and power were not threatened.

They fed the ignorant, poor, and gullible people with disinformation, always playing the race and religion card, so much so that the country is on the brink of total collapse and sliding fast into becoming a Taliban state.

Unscrupulous and greedy leaders have robbed the nation’s coffers empty. The people are suffering and are finding it difficult to put food on the table. It is time to get tough and put right whatever is done wrongly.

If democracy is seen to be put on the back burner, so be it. If democracy is a stumbling block to the progress and wellbeing of the people, then let us accept that tough times need tough measures.

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