12-09-2022, 09:43 AM
![[Image: a9277553ed19ff53f55d31add971f452.jpg=s800]](https://i.newscdn.net/publisher-c1a3f893382d2b2f8a9aa22a654d9c97/2022/12/a9277553ed19ff53f55d31add971f452.jpg=s800)
Proarte: We should focus on not talking so much about race but focus on development, poverty alleviation, and education.
We cannot alter the mindset of the Malays overnight. This has been immorally fashioned by their corrupt leaders for generations with the economic plight of the B40 Malays being blamed on the Chinese, who in their minds have taken more than their fair share of Malaysia’s wealth.
“Malaysian”, unfortunately in Malaysia, has been defined by the Malay supremacists and Kleptocrats who dominate the politics in this country to mean non-Malay, particularly Chinese interests.
The notion of “inclusiveness” is seen as a threat to the Malays who feel comfortable with a “Malay only” agenda even though the sad reality is this ‘Ketuanan’ (supremacist) policy has benefited mainly the elites who robbed in the name of the Malays and mismanaged the economy for the past 50 years.
For the sake of the Malays in the long run, a Malaysian agenda needs to be developed which harnesses the strengths of the whole nation. Intuitively, racism and discrimination cannot be good for society.
This is something Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim understands and dealing with massive leakages is his priority. A better-managed economy will improve the economic plight of the B40 Malays and will automatically lead to less manipulation by the supremacists and less distrust of the non-Malays.
Chinese and Indians are vital for our country and its long-term stability and so the idea that Anwar needs a “Bumiputera agenda” to the exclusion of a “non-Bumiputera agenda” is a foolhardy one.
A progressive and reformist government needs to address the "agendas" of all its people in its varying needs and complexities.
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