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[Image: Antarctica_Pixabay_pic.jpg]

PARIS – Eastern Antarctica has recorded exceptionally high temperatures this week, more than 30°C above normal, said experts.

The Concordia research base at Dome C of the Antarctic, which is at an altitude of 3,000 metres (9,800 feet), on Friday registered a record -11.5°C (11.3 Fahrenheit), Etienne Kapikian, a meteorologist from France-Meteo tweeted.

Normally, temperatures fall with the end of the southern summer, but the Dumont d’Urville station on Antarctica registered record temperatures for March with 4.9°C (40.82F), at a time of year when normally temperatures are already sub-zero.

Gaetan Heymes of France Meteo described the unseasonably mild weather as a “historic event”.

And geoscientist Jonathan Wille wrote on Twitter: “And there it is, Concordia broke its all time record temperature by 1.5°C.

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