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Full Version: COMMENT | Ban of 4D was a classic three-act play by Sanusi
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By James Chai

COMMENT | Kedah MB Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor has a way of overexplaining himself. In a strange way, the decision to not renew gaming outlet licences – effectively banning them – became more than just that.

There are three categories of Sanusi’s justifications:

1. Uneasy relationship with the minorities: “I am a Muslim who is prohibited from gambling. In the afterlife I will be asked, ‘What have you done about gambling?’ If I said I didn’t do anything, I will be whacked. While I have power, it’s better I use them.”

2. Trivialising the negative impact: “Many other companies affected by Covid-19 pandemic have ventured into new businesses at their premises, with a furniture shop being turned into an eatery, a barbershop turned into a beauty salon… there are many things [gaming outlets] can do [other than gaming].” Sanusi told gaming outlet operators to be creative to explore new business opportunities.

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