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Full Version: It’s final, Umno will not work with Bersatu in GE15
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PETALING JAYA: Umno’s decision not to work with Bersatu in the next general election is final, its president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said this evening.

His statement comes a day after Perikatan Nasional (PN) said it would be discussing seat allocations without involving Barisan Nasional (BN).

“It wasn’t just a decision by the Supreme Council, but also by the grassroots at the 2020 AGM,” Zahid said in a Facebook post.

Umno, he added, has also decided against forming an alliance with PN in the 15th general election. The PN coalition includes PAS and Gerakan.

Earlier today, Zahid said the party would defend the parliamentary and state seats it won in the last nationwide polls, a decision which he also said was unanimously decided by the Supreme Council last year.

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