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Full Version: Malaysia hanging by a thread
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[Image: muhyiddin-yassin-bernama.jpg]

From Munir Majid

As we approach Merdeka day at the end of the month there is no cause for joy and celebration. There is only fear and trepidation.

There is Covid-19 of course, tearing into our lives immediately and now, developing into a further pandemic of the more transmissible Delta variant which is running laps around other strains, described by a virologist: “It’s just like ‘Jurassic Park’, the moment you realize the dinosaurs have all got loose again.”

Francis Fukuyama, one of the world’s leading political scientists, identified three factors responsible for successful pandemic responses –

  • A competent state apparatus
  • A government that citizens trust and listen to
  • Effective leaders
Malaysia has none of these. Instead, we have had barricades against the test of confidence and support, and a free-for-all to grab power. There is actually no person in this political struggle who can effectively and competently lead Malaysia with the support of the people. Meanwhile, the pandemic rages.

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