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CNN Polls: Biden leads in Michigan and Wisconsin as campaign ends, with tighter races in Arizona and North Carolina

(CNN)Former Vice President Joe Biden holds an advantage in the upper Midwest states of Wisconsin and Michigan, according to CNN Polls conducted by SSRS, but the race between Biden and President Donald Trump is tighter in the battlegrounds of Arizona and North Carolina.
Trump won all four of these states in 2016, and a loss on Tuesday in any of them would make his narrow path to 270 electoral votes more difficult.

The polls, conducted as the campaign comes to its close, show little movement in the presidential race compared with previous CNN polls in each state.

The surveys suggest Biden has banked a broad advantage among those voters who have already cast their ballots by mail or through early in-person voting, with Trump leading by a wide margin among those who have yet to vote. The size of that bloc of later voters could dictate the outcome of the race.

In Arizona and Wisconsin, the poll results are roughly in line with an average of recent high-quality public polling on the race. The Arizona survey shows a race within the poll's margin of sampling error, with Biden at 50% support to Trump's 46%. In Wisconsin, Biden has the lead, with 52% behind him vs. 44% for Trump.

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