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Full Version: Make good use of 5-day sitting, opposition MPs urged
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[Image: Dewan-Rakyat-Parlimen-Bernama.jpg]

PETALING JAYA: With Parliament being reconvened soon, a political analyst has urged opposition MPs to make good use of the opportunity and hold the government accountable for every decision and policy it has made since the last sitting.

The last Dewan Rakyat sitting was held on Dec 17.

Opposition MPs must prepare loaded questions and scrutinise every policy made by the government in its Covid-19 pandemic management, said Oh Ei Sun of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs.

“Opposition MPs have a lot of work to do. They must question the government’s decisions and put its responses on record,” he told FMT.

Apart from policies, Oh said opposition MPs must discuss the ordinances passed during the Emergency, mainly the anti-fake news ordinance.

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