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Full Version: Driving cross Tianshan Mountain, encountering heavy snow, and stunning scenery
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Kuqa, Anxi Prefecture in Tang Dynasty, the ancient loyal soul is located here

Roadtrip to Kashgar, the thousand-year-old city. to be a municipality
The mysterious and dangerous Pamirs, the only place the Silk Road passed. Why?

The mysterious Pamir tree cave takes us into the kind Tajiks
Attending a Tajik wedding at the bride’s house, what's the bride’s dowry?
At Tajik wedding, don’t miss the brave game, the sheep-grabbing competition
Driving across the Tasha Trail, through mountains and rivers, where is the road
As internet celebrity for a road more bends more red. But Only two in Panlong

Visit Populus euphratica forest in Zepu, feel the tenacious vitality