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Full Version: Why Can’t I Add Files to My External Hard Drive?
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If you don’t wanna reformatting, you can use some NTFS drivers for Mac to realize smooth reading and writing on Mac. iBoysoft NTFS for Mac is a good tool, allowing you to fully and seamlessly read and write access to NTFS on Mac like on Windows.

If you’re okay with erasing everything on the drive, you can reformat it to a file system that’s fully compatible with macOS, such as exFAT (works with both Mac and Windows) or APFS (optimized for macOS). Be careful with this option since it will delete all data on the drive:

Go to Disk Utility on your Mac.
Select your drive in the sidebar.
Click on Erase, then choose a compatible format like exFAT.
Confirm and wait for the process to finish.
(3)Since your 8GB USB works fine, you could temporarily use that or another exFAT-formatted drive for transferring files.

Ttry Terminal, macOS has a hidden feature to enable NTFS write support, but it’s experimental and not always reliable. If you want to try it:

Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
Run *sudo mkdir /Volumes/NTFS *
sudo mount -t ntfs -o rw /dev/diskX /Volumes/NTFS
[Replace /dev/diskX with your drive’s actual identifier (you can find it using the command diskutil list).]