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  1. PAS membership offer to non-Muslims rings hollow (0 Replies)
  2. ‘Aggression’ not needed to win Malay support, says analyst (0 Replies)
  3. Muhyiddin's Last Effort To Claim PM Legitimacy Backfires (0 Replies)
  4. Return to middle ground to survive, analysts tell Umno (0 Replies)
  5. Pahang’s Tengku Hassanal calls for firm action over Muhyiddin’s Nenggiri speech (0 Replies)
  6. Controversial Chinese military image on poster competition isn't Chinese school doing (0 Replies)
  7. Akmal Saleh brazenly fanning tension, divide among Malaysians (0 Replies)
  8. Too Late For Regrets – Traitor Azmin Now Worse Than Before He Betrayed His Own Party (0 Replies)
  9. Sources claim MCA, MIC consider exit from BN amid internal discontent (0 Replies)
  10. "Joe Biden Has Gone To WAR" President REFUSES To Stand Down (1 Reply)
  11. Sungai Bakap and a Malaysia without Anwar (0 Replies)
  12. In campaign video, PH turns real-life brawl into reel-life love fest (0 Replies)
  13. High pensions for MPs a 'disgrace' when you consider their output, says Ambiga (0 Replies)
  14. Stop rehiring retired officials for senior positions, govt told (0 Replies)
  15. You divided the Malays, Dr M told (0 Replies)
  16. At the end of the day, politicians are all the same (0 Replies)
  17. Exploiting religion for political gain won’t bode well for any faith, says scholar (0 Replies)
  18. Alarming lack of transparency in Selangor state govt’s award of multi-billion project (6 Replies)
  19. Detractors chide Tun M for belittling Madani gov’t who’s re-building Malaysia (0 Replies)
  20. Pembentangan Ambiga Sreenevasan di Kongres Bersih 2024, Mei 24 (0 Replies)